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Posts posted by kewlisa

  1. Baby Quotes

    by Alli Ross

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    To become a mother is one of life's greatest blessings.

    It is a lifelong event that forever changes you. Becoming

    a mother changes your heart, your thoughts, and your

    actions. However, you may soon wish you had a few extra



    As a mother, you find that they first tug on your sleeve and

    later on your heartstrings.


    To share in some of the joys of newborns, here are some

    popular baby quotes:


    A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase.

    ~Author Unknown


    Babies are always more trouble than you thought - and more


    ~Charles Osgood


    Babies are such a nice way to start people.

    ~Don Herrold


    When babies look beyond you and giggle, maybe they're

    seeing angels.

    ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994


    It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into.

    ~Terri Guillemets


    A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.

    ~Carl Sandburg


    Making the decision to have a child is momentous.

    It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking

    around outside your body.

    ~Elizabeth Stone


    A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder,

    hope, a dream of possibilities.

    ~ Eda J. Le Shan


    A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer,

    bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past

    forgotten, and the future worth living for.


    A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it.


    My friend has a baby. I'm recording all the noises he makes

    so later I can ask him what he meant.

    ~ Stephen Wright


    I can't think why mothers love them. All babies do is leak at

    both ends.

    ~ Douglas Feaver


    Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper. It doesn't permanently

    solve any problems, but it makes things more acceptable for a while

    ~ Unknown


    If evolution really works, how come mothers only have

    two hands?

    ~ Milton Berle


    I always wondered why babies spend so much time sucking

    their thumbs.Then I tasted baby food.

    ~ Robert Orben


    Parents have the glorious opportunity of being the most powerful

    influence, above and beyond any other, on the new lives that bless their


    ~ L. Tom Perry


    The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children.

    ~ Elaine Heffiner


    Your children will become what you are; so be what you

    want them to be.

    ~ David Bly

  2. A Dieter's Prayer


    Lord, my soul is ripped with riot

    I incited by my wicked diet.

    "We Are What We Eat," said a wise old man

    And Lord, if that's true, I'm a garbage can.


    I want to rise on Judgment Day, that's plain!

    But at my present weight, I'll need a crane.

    So, grant me strength that I may not fall

    Into the clutches of cholesterol.


    May my flesh with carrot-curls be dated,

    T hat my soul may be poly unsaturated.

    And show me the light that I may bear witness

    T o the President's Council on Physical Fitness.


    And at margarine, I'll never mutter

    For the road to Hell is spread with butter.

    And cream is cursed; and cake is awful;

    A nd Satan is hiding in every waffle.


    Mephistopheles lurks in provolone;

    The Devil is in each slice of baloney.

    Beelzebub is a chocolate drop,

    A nd Lucifer is a lollipop.


    Give me this day my daily slice

    But, cut it thin and toast it twice.

    I beg upon my dimpled knees,

    Deliver me from jujubees.


    And when my days of trial are done,

    And my war with malted milk is won,

    Let me stand with Heavenly throng,

    In a shining robe, size 30 long.


    I can do it Lord, If You'll show to me,

    The virtues of lettuce and celery.

    If You'll teach me the evil of mayonnaise,

    Of pasta a la Milannaise,

    Potatoes a la Lyonnaise,

    And crisp, fried chicken from the South.

    Lord, if you love me, shut my mouth!

  3. I have always wondered this, and after finding another hair in my food recently, have thought about it even more. Why do fast food workers etc not have to wear hair nets and gloves? Hopefully someone here who works or has worked in this field can answer this for me? Bakery, Deli, Meat dept, and even produce workers wear them in grocery stores, but not the fast food workers, just makes no sense to me. Someone please help me understand? lol

  4. Brandi,


    I am glad things are looking better today. You did and are doing the right thing. Just remember, no matter what he says in these rages, he DOES love you and need you. He will prove that as life goes on, you will probably always be the first he comes to when he is in trouble, has something he is proud of, or just needs to talk :-) Like, someone else said, you do need to think about your own well being too, that is very important so you will have more strength to deal with things. You are a GREAT mom. Your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you.


    I am also sorry that I played a part in sending it to the hell hole. It just hit so close to home and I knew how you were feeling. I guess I automatically get defensive, due to how others have and do treat me about my son.

  5. done, thanks




    It appears that three posts have been set invisible by a couple of different moderators. The posts are still visible to me.


    I saw the one last night that suggested that at least one person in law enforcement knows what happened.


    I share your concern and wonder what that one poster knows. Indeed, I may follow up directly.


    I do not know the specific reason that the one post was set invisible but I don't believe it was in an effort to cover up any fact; rather it was out of an over abundance of caution.


    PM me.



  6. My post and several others were deleted from this topic, almost immediately. Although I find it very suspicious (sp?) I am only asking why? I would think the people of Paulding County would want to help solve this horrible crime, and this is no different from other things posted here about leaders of counties, churches etc. Was it because it was about someone who is a leader in OUR county? This could very well have been a very good lead for this young lady who is in so much pain over this, and I would think you of all people would want to help her in this situation. I'm just trying to understand here. I have often wondered why this wasnt being discussed here, and why there werent many people replying to her post. Now I wonder even more. Please help me understand? Thanks, from a VERY concerned citizen of Paulding County


    the topic - http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=65906&hl=

  7. I remember this case very well. I have it in my yahoo search to automatically send me updates. I have gotten none, I cant believe they havent had any leads on who commited this horrible crime. I do hope they do soon, and glad to hear this will be aired tomorrow. I will watch for sure.


    My son was friends with Shad, has a tattoo that he designed in memory of him. He has always been and still does talk about how it upsets him that these people arent paying for what they did to these 2 great guys. So, I have always tried to find any news on it for him. He is at work now, but I am calling to leave him a message about this, I KNOW he will want to see it. Thanks for letting us know, and please know that your family and all involved have and always will be in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck on this, please keep us updated and let us know if there is anything we can ever do to help *hugs* God Bless

  8. Thanks yall for the replies. I really dont know anything about horses :-) (as you can tell) lol

    I had just never seen anything like this. I will pass the information along indeed.


    R&Rmom, I agree. I dont understand how some do things and others get in hot water. I'm sorry, it sure sounds as if you were trying to do the right things.

  9. While visiting with friends tonight, I saw something I have never seen in my life and could not believe my eyes. This is in Paulding County, in a subdivision, and these people have TWO horses in there yard! They have it roped off with white rope that goes around their house, not even a fence! These horses literally walked into the front yard as I was watching them. Neighbors have called animal control many times, they have come out, given the people 30 days to move the horses, and 6 months later, they are STILL there. This cannot be good for these horses, as a matter of fact, one just had to have surgery and now drags one of its legs. The neighborhood now has rats everywhere, and I can only imagine the smell there will be when it gets real hot. Does anyone here have any advice that I can give my friends and their neighbors? They have called animal control themselves (along with others) and even talked to them when they came out, they keep getting the same response, and it is now 6 months later. Any advice is appreciated. This just really bothered me and would like to help them out and see these horses go to a better enviroment.


    edited to say, I'm not sure if this is the right forum or not?

  10. Bless yuor heart: I feel your pain, I remeber those days well:


    I would want to pull my hair out :excl: The doctor will probaly give you something for the collic what i always used was Cat nip tea it was good for collic and the Hives, My granny grew this in her flower bed, and when I needed it I would go and pick it and boil it and let my boys drink it, it helped them so much.


    you can get it now at GNC stores, or maybe your drug store. some doctors will give you Paragot( sp) to help them sleep at night,


    just remeber it is nothing that you are doing wrong, it is just a natural thing that some babies go through:


    You will be in my prayers, let us know what the doctor says:



    Do they still sell Paragart (sp) I know when my son was little which he is 24 they did but when my daughter was a baby they stop selling it and we had to buy dewess....... or something like that......... Both of my children had the collic and I know its very hard on both mother and child............. Sometimes you just want to cry too.


    We just went through this with my new niece. there is a wonderful all natural product called gripe water, that is for colic, can be found usually on the baby aisle in most grocery stores. We bought ours at Kroger, but I'm sure Walmart etc has it too. Sure wish this was around 22 years ago when my son had colic.

  11. The thought of this whole situation horrifies me and this article has added to my confusion.  According to this article she gave birth on March 3  and the dumster was searched on Thursday which would have been March 9.  Where was the baby for the six days in between.  Did she keep it somewhere else or was it in the dumster that long?  Or am I misreading the article all together.


    You arent misreading it. I was wondering the same thing, I am confused as well.

  12. Toboggans and jackets in February?  No way!


    Seriously, I can see where it might be wise to keep an eye on these two, but based solely on the information given here, I would say calling the police in this instance was a bit of an overreaction.....


    lol I agree, I thought the same thing when I read it. Then I thought, hmmmm that could be my sons, they wear jackets and toboggans.

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