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Posts posted by kewlisa

  1. Thanks :) I have been signed up a long time. But need to know how I get the free lunch special? which I love by the way :)


    I have had alot of people asking about our Rodney's Regulars club recently. All you have to do is sign up (either on our web-site or in the restaurant) and you will get a FREE lunch special every month. You will also be added to our e-mail list and receive our weekly Newsletter, special coupons and a Birthday Gift. And, from time to time, we will have free stuff for our special customers. Sign up today!

  2. I remember that store. They had ALL kinds of stuff lol


    When I was little, my mom loved this place at Belmont Hills shopping center in Smyrna called Peachtree Salvage. I swear it was like being in hell having to go there with her. Well, guess who has always dragged her children to very similar places...yep...that'd be me. I'm looking forward to going to this new place.


  3. I am so sorry you had to witness it. But so glad you were there to help. Please know we will be forever grateful to you for this. I know I cant get the image of the cars out of my head and how thankful I was that they were not hurt worse than they were. Were the kids in the van ok? They were all gone when I got there, but I was so worried about them and didnt get to talk to the lady as she was tied up with the state patrol. Yea, Michael felt awful and just kept saying he really tried to stop and I could tell from the black marks that he did. He said he doesnt have a clue why she stopped but if she had of just kept going he could have missed her. Oh, the other guy was also my son (Chris) so you helped 3 of our babies :wub: I do hope the other babies are ok? Michael is still worried about bug but I keep telling him he is ok lol. He is playing and acting like nothing happened.



    You are welcome. I can't get the image out of my head. The Babies were calm and relatively un-phased by the accident. The other boys and the mom in the minivan on the other hand were all crying. I had to calm them all down and get them out of the van that was inches form falling backwards into a 20' ditch.


    Michael and his friend were well composed after the initial shock and being hit by the airbags. I am just glad he was paying attention or it could have been a lot worse. He tried his best to stop, but had nowhere to go.


  4. oops, btw this is kelwil lol using kewlisa's computer and didnt relalize she wasnt logged out.


    ive posted on here some ... not as much ... i am farming now ... but i read the posts daily .. i just dont reply ... how u doing CA ??


    cool SM .. let me know .. if i am up when you are ! ... you early birds n late nighters kill me ...

  5. I was going through photos I had taken of my precious grandson a couple of days ago. Then I came across this one and it just cracked me up! It was right in the middle of a ton of photos he was laughing and smiling in lol


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