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Posts posted by matthewspiglet

  1. The idea that people are always thinking rationally is a fallacy.


    She didn't think. She made a mistake. She should not have left the baby in the car.


    I do think that it was a mistake based on the practical impossibility of her being able to handle the dog and the baby and the two other children at the same time. She got the dog into the vet's office and was probably 'engaged' by the receptionist who told her to sit down and keep her dog and the vet will be with her in a minute.


    In her circumstance, she would have had to bring the dog into the vet, TELL the receptionist to keep an eye on the two young kids and dog and immediately go get the baby.... and of course if she had been so 'assertive' she might have run into an equally assertive 'receptionist' who could have slapped her down and told her to sit with her dog and shut up.


    I really think in a lot of cases folks need a little help but society discourages it and unless the good Samaritan is there to lend a hand, mistakes of this kind are made. I do think that a kinder and gentler society that encourages more cooperation and less stoic independence would probably eliminate many of these kinds of 'lapses.'



    I understand what you are trying to say. But me i would have took the kids in and ask them can you keep an eye on my babies so i can go get the dog out of the car. There is NO reason to leave your child in a car.

  2. I was there visiting a friend last night. Left around 10pm and there were cops everywhere. But they were on the corner of Nebo and the entrance to the sub. Did they move up into the sub after that? Or was this towards the end? I saw people out there talking to cops and writing stuff down but didn't see any damage to cars. It was weird.

    It was nothing big. Everyone is ok a lady was making a turn into swang and a young lady i guess wasn't looking and hit the car.

  3. It was there for about six months. It needs a transmission and motor put in. Thanks any info on it? Thanks.

    By law if something is left in someone else's care for longer then 3 months. Wouldn't it belong to them now? That's what I was told but I don't know so please don't go all hat en on me. If im wrong then someone please let me know. Thanks

  4. I have tried several places and the best I have gotten are at O'Charley's. I have also tried a few places out side the county.

    What does anyone else think?

    We ate there today and yummmmmmm their ribs are yummy. reminds me i got left overs...

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