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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. But you see even through they are dead wrong they won't come on here and say that they are sorry and they did not mean to spread misinformation. I mean they wouldn't do that kind of thing on purpose would they? They would'nt intentionally spread misinformation to further a political agenda would they? No, I'm sure I'm wrong.
  2. Mom of 3, not for nothing but you would think that a person that felt so strongly about getting THE FACTS right would have, at the very least, checked THE FACTS. No?
  3. Where did you read that he shot the people with two pistols? I saw an interview with the doctor who did the examination of all the people who died that day. His words were that they were all killed by a "long gun" but the shooter killed himself with a hand gun. Please share where you read what you said you read cause now I'm confused.
  4. Well, I'll just go ahead and say it. I avoid 92 if I possibly can. It's the road that never ends. Ever. You have to see what you think for yourself. Everyone is different.
  5. Boy, I wish pork chops hadn't been mentioned. Few things are as tasty as a pork chop done right. Yum.
  6. Nothing says yum like hair and roaches huh? Not sure why but your post made me laugh out loud. I think it was the open festering sore..... :rofl:
  7. Sad. But expected. I'm done high jacking LPPT's thread. This is an important topic which needs honest, truthful discussion.
  8. Oh, I've done a search, couldn't find where it was confirmed that these people said this stuff. Then I found this: http://www.guncite.com/gun_control_gcbogus.html
  9. Whatever dear. With your assistance, I've made my point. Have a good day.
  10. Here's a bit of education for you. When you can't answer a fairly reasonable request with facts and the only thing you can do is call names and try and belittle, it tends to make you look bad. So, unless you spoke to these people yourself where did you get these quotes? Simple enough.
  11. Thanks. You have more than answered my question.
  12. Hey.....Psssst. I thought you were BS, turns out I was right.
  13. I have found sources that partially quote these quotes. Please provide your sources for these quotes. Reason I ask, you've used these quotes twice now and I would like to see the entire context.
  14. Where is Vittles? Last one I knew of was on Whitlock and has been closed for years.
  15. Well, outside of Astoria, Queens, NY, the olive tree isn't bad. Astoria is a Greek haven. Oh, but wait the Gyro's in Greece are pretty good. Outside of buying plane tickets, the olive tree is a pretty good pacifier.
  16. KRM's fried chicken and fried okra. Chargrilled oysters at C&S seafood. Duck at Gabe's in Villa Rica. All of the above is stupid good. Wish I could find good pizza.
  17. I live 19 miles from Hiram. On any given day, I will see at least 4-6 cops on the way.
  18. Real Housewifes of Beverly Hills!
  19. Oh come on you'se guys. I am shocked and amazed! Yeah.......that's the ticket...
  20. Of course I'm rooting for the Fighting Irish!
  21. I have one that I've used for over 30 years. It is well seasoned and guess what? After I use it, I wash it....WITH SOAP AND WATER! Guess what else? Using soap has not caused the least bit of harm to the pan! Pretty amazing huh?
  22. I hate to spend this kind of money on dog food. I ask myself why do I feel the need to do this, I really don't think my dogs know jack about any difference in their food. BUT, a dog constantly itching, scratching, biting on themselves will, eventually, end up at the vet. They get to that point and they stink! I prefer to enjoy my dogs so I guess I'll go ahead and pay the bucks. One way or another...someone's gonna get your bucks. Why not try and make it as painless as possible?
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