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Posts posted by rockysmom

  1. OK RM if I knew I was being graded I would have said post instead of article. My point is still 100% correct. Please don't nit pick so much it really seems like misdirection from the subject. Thanks for your input and yes I know a lot of liberals who donate/contribute to environmental causes it was not my intent to exclude them from my original post. Now can we be friends again?


    CC I was not offended but there are two sides and the environment is very important to me. It is a very important subject and should not be taken likely. Please understand that conservatives don't eat their young (not always) and care very much about the planet also. At least the ones I know do.

    I wasn’t grading you, sorry if I came off like I was. I just wanted to be sure I knew where you were coming from.


    And of course we can be friends again. :)

  2. My point RM is a push back on the wide spread liberal assumption that all conservatives cut down trees, drive gas guzzlers, hate wildlife, pollute streams and generally hate the planet which was the implication of the OP article. The very title implies conservatives hate the environment and the first post claims the same about Republicans. I was merely responding to a thread that was political by nature if you will read the topic and first post. I never stated liberals contribute or don't I merely said I know personally many conservatives that do including myself. You do realize the whole thread is a troll right? My bad for thinking I could state facts that are 100% accurate.

    Maybe I’m missing it but I don’t see where any political party is mentioned in the OP article. The OP post yes, but not the article.


    BTW we are both right.

  3. Speaking for myself and most of my friends we identify as conservatives not Republicans. I know free thinking is an abstract to most party following sheep but it does exist. I will put our contributions to environmentalism both financially and hands on up against any party line liberal on this site or any other. Through contributions to River Keeper, Ducks Unlimited, fishing/hunting license in multiple states, Boy Scouts, NRA, state park fees, federal duck stamps, boat registrations, launch fees and volunteer clean up days at public areas are some of what we contribute to. The difference is we actually put our time and money towards causes instead of running our pie holes and sitting behind a key board bitching. It may surprise some of you that I believe in climate change and think that to some degree man has contributed to it. I think the climate has changed since the formation of the planet but agree mankind has been a poor keeper of the planet. None of this changes my conservative views on practically any given issue. My views on pro life/pro choice would probably surprise all of you but that is another subject. I will say it is not finite either way.

    You don’t really think that liberals don’t contribute to the River Keeper, Ducks Unlimited, etc. do you? Also I think that the left contributes just as much if not more than the right as far as climate change organizations.


    One other thing, is this really a political issue? I mean this is more about a mankind issue as far as I’m concerned.

    • Like 1
  4. I know your real name because I met you.

    The other issue you're referring to is something another P'Commer told me out of genuine concern. And I'll leave it at that.

    Sign. That’s a flat out lie and you know it. If I introduced myself to you I would have said something along the lines of I’m Rocky’s mom. After seeing how you were so determined to drag another member of this site through the mud with attempts to hurt his earning potential as well as his professional reputation, the less you know about me the better so I would not have introduced myself in any other way than “Rocky’s Mom.”


    Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m taking a break from this conjured up drama.

    • Like 1
  5. Nope. You used to hang out with two other ladies from P'Com, and many others know your real identity. I met you once in my office and I know your real name. I won't spill the beans about who you are, but your statement above is curiously untrue.

    I never made a big deal about hiding who I am. Since you are determined to attempt to out me for something I did not do, I was friends with two p.com ladies but, we never exchanged private information about any of our p.com accounts.


    The main way people got to know who I am was because I made efforts to help people, as well as their animals, out if I could. In fact, the reason I was at your office was to buy fruit for a church relief effort that was being handled by a gal who used to work for you.


    You know my real name because in your snoopy old lady way, you searched Facebook and you figured it out by scouting out my friends and connected the dots.


    So, Aunt Mary don’t lie about me not being truthful.


    BTW, being a internet bully is not acceptable behavior so don’t threaten me again.

  6. Yep, the troll is back. Does RM know that you're using her account?

    I stated awhile back that there were both positive and negative reports of the government's response. I had seen one of the videos that Shan posted, but I've been too busy today to put a lot of time into searching for them.

    All you (under various screen names) and Cain are concerned with is using them as a means of bashing Trump, as usual. You looked on the internet enough to find the negative reports and ignored the positive ones. I'd bet money that neither of you did anything to help PR, you're only outraged because Trump was at the helm while FEMA worked on the relief efforts.

    As usual, just hate and partisan politics.

    I have a visual of you and others sitting around a table drinking coffee and talking about p.com and all these conspiracy theory’s that you cook up. You know what that’s called? Thats called a gossipy, old women coffee clutch. So from now on I will call you Aunt Mary.


    I will say this once so maybe you can follow, I have never, ever shared my identity with anyone nor has anyone shared their identity with me. If it floats your boat to throw this type of crap into a thread when you are called out for being wrong please feel free but understand this, you are fooling no one with this type of bs.


    No one. But, please continue to look like a horses butt. It does give me a few giggles.

    • Like 1
  7. Here ya go, RM.

    Here ya go, RM.

    For those two reports I can show you 10 that show the governor slamming the trump administration for their handling of the relief efforts.


    You are not trying to convince anyone that your original post was based on these two videos are you?


    Are you too embarrassed to post what sites had you convinced that the governor was just oh so thankful for the relief efforts from the trump administration?

  8. I've been hearing that someone else is posting on this account, and I now believe that to be true.

    Hmmmm,. wonder who it could be?

    LOL....you don’t “know” half of what you think you do.


    Call it what it really is, a rather lame diversion attempt on you’re being caught being wrong.

  9. That depends on who you listen to. Puerto Rico's governor has been mostly positive about the federal response, while that idiot mayor over there has done nothing but whine.

    The response and restoration of services was a massive undertaking that was hampered by teh logistics of the island as well as a poorly timed trucker's strike.

    But I suppose it's easy to be an armchair quarterback and criticize what you don't understand.



    I guess it is about who you listen to. This doesn't sound like praise from the governor to me.




    Guess you didnt read this kind of article because it didnt tell you what you wanted to hear so therefore you dont care to even try and understand what the reality might very well be.


    ETA.......I went back to find a article that confirmed the governor saying anything good about the relief effort from the trump administration, didn't find any. Since I dont know anything about the wack-a-doodle far right sites that gd must be getting his info. from and no link was given, I guess we know where he looks for his news.

  10. The more Trump annoys you, the more I like him.

    Personally I would like to know whose idea it was to have trump throw paper towels into the crowd. A flooding storm that kills 3000 and someone thinks it’s a good idea to have the president throw paper towels into the crowd? Not for nothing but I find this incredibly insulting.

    • Like 1
  11. It's a link to the Washington Post.


    Twitter is not a source, it is simply a venue.



    It’s a link to a Washington Post OPINION piece.

    It's a link to the Washington Post.


    Twitter is not a source, it is simply a venue.



    It’s a link to a Washington post OPINION piece. Also, the bulk of the article addresses the roll back of the climate change regulations as addressed by the Obama administration but the comments seem to spin this this as some kind of news piece written in stone. Just as you did by saying it’s the dumbest thing to be read all day.


    Opinion pieces are just that......opinions.

    • Like 1
  12. First of all it’s an opinion piece, second of all it’s a Twitter post. If you rely on Twitter for your news then you are either a fool or you just like this type of hype.


    But please don’t let me rain on your parade of pushing hate between the parties just so you can make some kind of witty post.


    Have at it.

    • Like 2
  13. Amazing. Instead of discussing the fact that trump was recorded saying what he said some are just putting the spin on and and trying to pin it on the left. I can’t remember anyone on this board that leans left saying they hate trump, they may disagree with him, never mind the constant embarrassment he tosses out every day but saying they hate him.....not that I remember. Notwithstanding this, we are told every day that we hate him. Guess that fits their narrative.


    Being that trump cannot be defended I guess that’s all they can come up with.

    • Like 2
  14. If it's printed in the Post, then it must by definition be true..........SAID NO ONE, EVER. The post is far-left fish wrapper. Pure garbage. There is a reason why most Americans distrust the media. The media prints lies and slings mud, just to see if it sticks. Well folks have been awaken.




    This is a recording of his words. A recording of his own spoken words.


    ETA, if anyone is lying its you. And you are lying to yourself.

    • Like 2
  15. Must be that spark of divinity and all that talk about abolishing ICE...


    Or that time the media went crazy when Trump called them "animals."





    Cherry picking sound bites from questionable people and publishing them as cornerstones of political beliefs is dirty play. For people to take them as gospel and promote them as gospel for any political party is enough for reasonable people to point at these people as dumbassess in the first degree.


    As is often the case trump tends to talk out of his butt. The President of the United States should not get in the gutter by using this type of language. He does it to rile up the outrage and then points the outrage at his opponents. Most of his supporters seem to lap it up like cream.

    • Like 1
  16. For ANYONE to think that ANY law abiding American, be it black, white, brown, orange, conservative, Democrat, Republican would even by ANY stretch of the imagination look to back or support a member of this MS 13 gang is a victim of being at the least stupid and at the most very stupid.


    How sad to see people pinning support on members of the MS 13 on folks like the Democrats and Pubby. You folks have certainly lost your minds.


    Your leadership is failing you if this is what they are telling you.

    • Like 2
  17. U.S. Border Patrol Apprehensions FY2018 YTD (October 1 - May 31)USBP Demographic.........OCT.......NOV...... DEC......JAN......FEB.....MAR......APR.......May......TotalSouthwest Border UAC... 3,153........ 3,975......4,063......3,207...... 3,122......4,145 ...... 4,302...... 6,405...... [/size]32,372 Child alone[/size]Family Unit...........................4,837..........7,016...... 8,120......5,654 .......5,475......8,873...... 9,653........9,485 .......[/size]59,113[/size]Southwest Border Total Apprehensions.....25,483......29,086.....28,998....25,978....26,665......37,385.... 38,278....40,344..... [/size]252,187[/size]The number of Family Units increased by 435 percent, and the number of unaccompanied children (UAC) increased by 329 percent compared to May 2017.[/size]https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/sw-border-migration


    :shok: :shok: :shok:

    Thanks for that info. In your research did you come across any info as to why these rather overwhelming numbers are happening? TIA
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