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Everything posted by Demise

  1. My mind is saying 'yes' my wallet is saying 'no'
  2. Odds are it won't be any different... Dealerships charge a lot for their products. A month or so ago I called a Honda dealership to see what I could get some clips for the windshield metal stripping since a couple of them are broken and the piece is more than a little loose. They wanted $4 I think it was per clip and I needed like 10 of them, and also the little cosmetic 'vent' looking pieces that go between the headlights and the bumper on the model car I have were $63 a piece... Unfortunately you can't get these parts new anywhere else...
  3. I may be there... Haven't decided yet.
  4. I agree the EMT should have stayed in the vehicle, so should the driver (notice they both got out)
  5. I watched the video several times. And I agree the ambulance was at fault as well, he wasn't running lights, and he didn't yield right away when the cop was trying to pass. After watching it a few more times last night it looked to me like the ambulance didn't see the cop behind him until the cop went to pass (notice he hits the brakes hard and goes to pull off as soon as the cop pulls into the other lane to go around him) the 'hand gesture' could have been anything. But, the ambulance aside, I think the cop's attitude and behavior was unacceptible. If you notice he didn't stop the amb
  6. That sucks! At least I don't have to go to work in the mornin... So I can afford to still be up at 1 A.M. drunker thana skunk.. Can't sleep as usual I guess?
  7. Personally, I think the officer was a dipcheeze and handled the situation waay wrong. If you watch the video he was out of line from the beginning... and the only reason he pulled the ambulance over was his poor ego was damaged. Hell, it looked the the ambulance couldn't have moved out of the way because of the car on the shoulder. What a disgrace.
  8. Well buddy. You know I will be there around 8.
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