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Posts posted by packhead

  1. Hmmm. Let's see. If they're cooking and flushing at school, there will be no need to flush toilets at home? I didn't know that's how it works. Tell you kids to "hold it" until they get to school. No school today? Hold it until tomorrow when it's open.


    It just continues to get under my skin that NOBODY in the entire state of ALABAMA or FLORIDA is doing ANY water rationing or has any restrictions. We're doing all the sacrificing so the Corp can send water down the river so they can WATER THEIR LAWNS and WASH THEIR CARS! :angry:

    Here here. I'm up for a little armed revolt against the corps.

  2. My Mother used to be the "Answer Lady" for her apt. bldg. She had a sign on her door which read,"answers to questions $1.00, answers to stupid questions $2.00".

    Why do you not charge?

  3. We usually stay at a hotel, either for the long weekend if its further away or just a nite if close. Last year was at the Waverly @ Galleria. They really put out a spread. You can eat for hours and never eat the same thing twice. Best of all, just push back from the table when you are done and leave the clean up to someone else.

  4. An accident is an accident. I don't care what you hit. Many people hit deer and call the police/animal control people to let them know what happened. If a person hits a mailbox they shouldn't leave a note they should just keep on driving? If it was safe to stop I think you should. Just my opinion since I don't know all the particulars of what actually occurred.


  5. I am not saying anyone intend to hit the dog, I didn't imply that at all...this is the kind of comment that makes me throw up....lets worry more about our legel standing, then the creature that we just harmed, intentially or not. :rolleyes:


    If you are in or you witness an accident between two cars that you did not cause wouldn't you stop? Or would you just keep rolling down the road as it might show that you somehow caused the issue? I never said that the person hit the dog on purpose, what I did say is that you should stop - not just because it may be the law but out of basic caring and compassion for the living creature you at best just injured or worse killed, not to mention the emotions of an owner who may have lost a pet due to this ACCIDENT....


    Yes there is a leash law, how do you know the dog didn't dig out from under the fence, or dart out the door to chase one of your hated squirrels as the owner was leaving for work? It was an ACCIDENT, one would think that a person would be concerned not only about the dog but also the owner but I guess not, I guess we are more concerned about how it would make us look legelly!?!? Weather it was on purpose or not doesn't matter the dog was still hit. There are many things that you do in life that you don't intend to but still have to take responsablity for.


    <Walks away before he really says what he means and gets banned from Pcom>

    By all means say what you mean. My skin has grown pretty darn thick over the years. I don't really want to get into a pissin' contest with you but I can't just let your reply go either. When you post that you believe it is the law, and place exclamation points after it. YOU seem to be worried about someone's legal standing.

    Comparing a collision with an animal to one with other people in a moving steel object is a stretch don't you think? I have been at more than my share of accidents as a former EMT. Believe me, there is NO comparison.

    Don't try to make me out as some uncaring animal hater. If you read the beginning of my post I said that I would have stopped, especially as an owner myself.

    You said that maybe the pet owner should be punished ALSO unless the dog accidently got out, thus implying that the driver should be punished first. How the dog got out is a moot point, the owner is responsible. If I swerve to miss your dog and hit something else, are you going to pay for the damages? After all this I guess all I ever wanted to say was maybe you should cut this person a little slack.

  6. yeah, hit someones pet and just keep on trucking - wouldn't want to force anyone to take responsablity for their actions would we? <_< :rolleyes:


    Isn't it the law to stop anyway!?!?!


    At the same time, unless this was a matter of the dog finding his way out of the fence or darting out the door unexpected, the pet owner should be punished in some way also.

    Now first let me say that I probably would have stopped, at least to get the owners name from the tag(assuming there is one). I am a pet owner and would like to know if this happened to my dog so he doesn't lay there only to be hit again.


    As far as taking responsibility for one's actions, exactly which action would that be? Maintaining one's lane while traveling on the roadway? I'm sorry but if it's hitting your dog or the ditch, the dog loses. There is a leash law. Your post almost implies intent.


    Is it really a law to stop and render aid to an animal? Do squirrels count? I hate squirrels. <_<

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