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Posts posted by packhead

  1. Just heard that Pertrio is resigning to coach at Ark. Don't know if I can blame him with what all has happened this year. Yes I can. Unless he says he just isn't the coach he thought he was he is just another man whose word is meaningless. Quitter!

  2. 1972 Chevelle and a 1963 Chevy Pickup on Grandpas farm (I was about 10 years old and allowed to drive in the fields) My first car was a Beretta GTZ, It was a hand me down from my dad's younger sister...First car I bought with my own money was a Silverado Z71


    I remember taking(borrowing) my brother's Chevelle when I was about 10 and plowing thru a corn field with it. Boy was he pissed! :ph34r:

  3. I love to drive. To bad I can't do as much as I would like with the price of gas the way it is.


    I drive every year to Michigan and back and two years ago drove to Montana and back with some stops in between. I also like to go exploring areas I have not been to see where roads go and stuff like that.


    One of these days I will venture up 278 and see where it leads past Dallas. :blink:

    I love to see the country via car..Been to/thru CA,TX,NY,WI,OH and whatever is between. Also like to explore. When at an intersection, always take the smallest road.

  4. I agree


    Give me a winding hilly gravel road any time.


    I agree with this too, just scratch gravel... I hate gravel...


    BTW: If you want some great roads to drive on... head on over to Alabama, they have some great roads for going really fast on... Plus there aren't that many cops or other drivers on most of them.


    I love the gravel,wet,ice whatever so you can slide the ass end around.

  5. Sitting in traffic is NOT my Idea of driving. Give me a winding hilly gravel road any time. If I'm going somewhere I'm driving. I don't trust many people to drive, wife included!!

  6. Best Air Purifier on the Market... IMO ((for the $$$$$$))

    I second that. We had two, one upstairs and one down. Lost one due to power surge, boy what a difference. Really need to replace it.

  7. If you turned off the valve at the house and not the meter and the dial never moved, then you don't have a leak between the two. Either the meter is bad, someone has a hose running off your house or you have a pool in your basement. :D Please post the outcome. Now I am curious.

  8. I would think that the dude across the street has nothing to do with your leak. You want to believe it is someone else's problem so the logic escapes you. This is a common occurance. If your test shows a leak whether you can find it or not just bite the bullet and replace the entire line, especially if it is an older house with that #$*(*^$% damn blue poly. Take your reciept for the work to the water dept. and they'll probable take $ off. Only a little though, like $50. Bummer Dude.

    Been there done that.

  9. Just for a little different spin on this..there are still good people out there. Last Feb. we had rented from Enterprise in D'ville after a horrible time with another rental agency(another story for another time). The afternoon after I returned it I received a call from them to let me know they had found a full cd case and a gameboy DS. I was stunned to say the least. Nicest bunch I've dealt with in quite a while. Sorry Surepip. Let me know when he returns to work so i can leave him an extra tip.

  10. If any team got screwed it's OK. They won their conf. champ. game by beating the top ranked team. They belong in the big game.

    Ga needs to figure out how their slow DB's are going to cover four and five wides.

  11. So then, to the average person like me, I will get to go to the CC and view all post and they will either be flagged as endorsed, not endorsed, or partial endorsed? And I will be able to contribute, through Pubby, with no additional cost for doing so?


    If this is the case, outside the possibility for some lag, it's starting to solidify.

    Don't hurt yourself overthinking this. :D

  12. This is one of the funniest threads that I have read in some time. What is so hard to understand about this. It amazes me how some people get an idea in their heads and no matter how hard you try you can't get them to understand. Oh well. I for one will be glad to not have to sift through all the help me pleas. It's as bad as sitting at a red light anywhere in this county.

  13. Well, I don't like 'em either....but it's a political correctness move....if it would work I'd be all for it....Falcons need a QB.

    What does Vick and the Falcons needing a QB have to do with each other?

    They needed one before him, with him and after him.

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