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Posts posted by packhead

  1. Cradle Catholic here, and technically we are members of St vincent de Paul, but have not been there in months and am in no hurry to return.


    Left there hurriedly a year ago. St. Joe's in Marietta now.

  2. It was my pleasure to speak at length with Dutch Van Kirk just a few weeks ago in Perry, GA. A remarkablle man who spoke quite highly of his commander. He said that they all knew that what they were doing was extremely important to shortening the war and were proud of their effort.

  3. Good luck. I have switched away from these "people" three different times for all of these reasons and much more only to have them buy out the Co. I switched to. Just can't get away from them!

    I think world domination is their final objective.

  4. The last garden peppers, the last garden tomatoes, some vidalias, garlic, and marinated london broil. Mexican cheese, some tortillas, and green and red salsa. Homemade nacho fajitas......sorry Luis....we had to clean out the garden.Oh....and a little tequila as well. Gotta have it all ;)

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Sure could go for that. Love sittin' round your table.

  5. practice makes perfect right....


    "Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect"--Vince Lombardi


    At 14-0 I don't have a problem with the onside kick.


    Having the starters in at the end? Depends. How many were actually 1st string. You can't put All subs in at once, that makes it to difficult to evaluate the kids or get consistent reps. If it was a blowout, I'd worry about injury.

    As far as life being fair, this was a high school football GAME was it not? Sportmanship and respect for one's competitors are also important lessons. Or is respect not something you teach your kids?

  6. Boot camp will instill discipline where everything else has failed. And they will be all the better for it.

    Have you been to boot lately. They are as PC infected as everywhere else in today's society. Undisiplined kids become undisiplined adults and a drag on everyone.

  7. The time out "crap" as you called it, doesn't have to be crap if it's done correctly. My TWO year old (yes she's young, but she's two) knows how to behave in public and at home, and she's never been hit, ever.

    Your screen name and your child's age says it all. Get back to me in 5 or 6 years and a couple of kids later and let me know how that is working out for you. If it does, more power to you. Each kid is different and you learn to deal with each differently.

  8. I think we should return to some of our older, forgotten values and punishments. They worked okay on us and what we're doing now with our kids (trying to be inclusive here) doesn't seem to be working out very well.It gets me that when a teacher gets onto a kid or a parent tries to get onto their kid then the other tries to report them.

    I hate to tell you but those days are long gone. I was schooled in the 60's & 70's, teachers then were able to spank just like parents w/o fear for the most part.

    I cannot really remember ever being spanked, but I must have repressed it because just the thought of the woodened handled cutting board still makes me cringe. Having been raised in a strict Catholic house, guilt was always a motivating force where disipline was concerned.

    I have spanked my youngeer kids when the offence warrented. But like most things in life, moderation.

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