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Posts posted by bluegrass

  1. one more ?......there is now a gas starter...how long do you leave the gas on?


    Turn it on, light it (right away) and let it burn until the wood is fully ignited and free burning. If you get good kindling, you won't need the gas starter.

  2. Buy hardwood that was cut last Winter. Wood cut this year still has too much moisture in it. It will be hard to burn, won't give off much heat, and contribute to creosote buildup in your chimney (which can lead to a chimney fire, followed by a house fire). Once you get it, keep it stacked up off the ground somewhere dry. There's a place at the corner of Brownsville and 278 (in Powder Springs) that usually has a good supply of seasoned firewood for sale. Delivery or pickup.


    You'll also need some kindling to get it started. Heart pine split into thin strips works best, but any kind of dry wood split finely will do the trick. When I say 'split fine', I mean a diameter less than a pencil.


    Make sure the damper is open...

  3. I totally see what you are saying, and if that were the case, it might be "somewhat" different.


    But no, she doesn't have a pot to pee in herself, and she is not helping me AT ALL. She's simply trying to control me like she has done my whole life. I guess that's why this divorce is surprising everyone, because I've always just kept my mouth shut and done what everyone ELSE wanted. For once in my life, I am doing something that I want to do, and they just don't believe I am doing it independantly. There's GOT to be someone else, because God knows little goldngrl wouldn't be strong enough to do this on her own. Well, I guess they'll find out when it's all said and done. :closedeyes:


    I'm not going out partying. If I go anywhere, it's to my friends' houses just to eat dinner or hang out. And that is only when my children are with their dad. I mean, what am I supposed to do, sit home and do nothing when they aren't with me?


    It sure sounds like you are making rational, adult decisions and taking responsibility for yourself. Good for you. Tell Mom to kiss your azz. :p

  4. 12 gallons is very small for a reef aquarium. The more water in an environment, the more room for errors. Even 100 gallons is small when it comes to keeping corals, anemones etc.


    If you just want to get into the saltwater aquarium hobby, 12 gallon is fine for a fish only tank. A base of coral sand, some structure made of coral skeletons, 3 or 4 striped damsels, and a couple of hardy inverts would fit nicely into a 12 gallon tank. Add much more than that, and your bio-load will be too high, and disaster may follow.


    Just remember that you still have to cycle and maintain the aquarium just like with freshwater (ammonia/nitrites, nitrates), and now you'll have the additional concerns of maintaining salinity, and pH. Also, temperature is critical when dealing with tropical marine life.

  5. Sometimes, there's another side to this. My ex-wife's parents pretty much did the same thing. My ex-wife had been incredibly irresponsible financially, and her parents were the ones left paying the bills. I guess they felt that if they were having to suffer the consequences along with her, they had some say so in the rest of her life.


    She lost custody of our children (thank God they live with me full time), and depends on her parents to support her financially and otherwise. They are very concerned with appearance and work around the clock doing spin control. They provide her with her own house to live in (and pay the taxes, insurance etc), while she works one low paying job and skips visitation with the kids so that she can go party on many weekends. She has yet to pay a dime of the child support that she owes.


    In some cases, the parents are left to deal with the aftermath of their children's childish behavior, and when they see it that way, they react in parental fashion. It's fine to tell Mom to 'kiss your azz' if you are truly an independant adult. If not, and Mom is paying some of the bills, she may be entitled to put her two cents in now and again.

  6. sitting here on the computer enjoying the sunlight ...


    Sounds like a pretty nice morning to me.


    Some people have to get up early and go to work. Jobs like... riding on the back of a cold garbage truck all day :blink:

  7. I am sitting here on the computer enjoying the sunlight and the garbage company comes to get our trash. The lazy garbage man empties our containers then places the container back...But not where we had it he puts the freakin thing in the middle of my driveway. So yeah whoever comes or goes is going to have to get out and move it. Sorry...not having a good morning. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.



    Complaining about having to move the can out of the middle of the driveway might be construed as being lazy...



  8. I used to work for a real estate agent who handled bank foreclosures. If someone was behind in their payments, he had to drive by and take photos of the house to send to the bank along with comp information. He only got out of his car if the house was not occupied. However, the comp info came from the multiple listing services; he didn't take photos of the comps. I would think that any real estate person taking photos of comps would at least have the courtesy to knock on your door and get permission first.


    The tax people let you know if they are coming out to take photos. I would think your insurance company would do the same. The banks don't call you and say you're a month behind on your payments, we're sending out a photographer.


    You just wouldn't believe how much fraud the banks have to deal with; that's why they are secretive.


    Someone made a pic of my house yesterday, and I have never been late on one payment. I find the idea of an appraisal professional making photos more plausible.

  9. My kids told they saw a black truck in front of our house yesterday afternoon, and the driver made a photo here too. Might be an appraisor getting a comp because we purchased back in June. These days, that's a 'recent' home sale.

  10. I'm a man, and I got full custody of my four children when I divorced. She has never sent one penny in child support. Some extra money would be nice, because kids are expensive, but I doubt that will ever happen. The main thing to me is knowing that my children are safe, in a nice clean home with balanced meals and someone that loves them. If I didn't have custody though, I would do all I could to see that my childrens financial needs were met.

  11. PM = Private Message (sort of like e-mail via the pcom system). If you click someone's user name beside a post (see below), you are given several options. One of them is 'send message'. That'd be a PM


    Post = The reply that I am writing in response to the 'thread' that you just started. See below :p


    Thread = You just started one. I just replied to the thread that you started. It's a topic, and all of the replies are attached to each other chronologically, in a chain that's called a 'thread'

  12. The State of Georgia could solve a lot of problems at once by:


    ***Enacting a moratorium on new residential construction in North Georgia***


    This would:


    -Slow the influx of new residents (easing the water supply demand).


    -Reduce TRAFFIC


    -Reduce the number of unsold existing homes on the market (all kazillion of them)


    -Eliminate the runoff/water pollution caused by new construction


    -Help preserve wildlife habitat/forest areas


    -Reduce the incoming student populations (giving our schools a chance to catch up... no more trailers)


    -Probably reduce the illegal alien population by eliminating their (non tax paying) jobs


    Actually, this should have been done years ago :huh:

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