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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. Got up at 6 am, got 3 kids off to school and did a load of laundry. Arrived at work at 8 am and will be here until 3.


    Go home, bake something for tonights meeting, do dinner, go tan (if there's time), go to meeting, get home at 9, get kids in the bed, then crash into the bed myself.



    And then it starts all over again tomorrow, LOL. I love it!!! Well maybe minus the laundry part. :p

  2. Up at 6 am, big kids off to school. I have already done one load of laundry, loaded the dishwasher, finished my Dad's taxes. Next stop is to go to my ironing job. I iron for $. Works out great, I can earn a little bit of $ doing something most people hate to do and I can do it while the kids are in school and I can take my little guy along with me. Then a bike ride (weather permitting) when the big kids get home from school.


    Have a good day everyone.

  3. Any recommendations for a 4 year old boy, he has #1 down, he refuses to #2 in the potty. We talk abuut it all the time but he just wont do it. I only put him in a pull up a night and I am so tired of washing poop out of underwear!!!

  4. $50 Registration (includes shirt and hat)

    $10 (pants and socks)

    $24 (shirts for mom and dad) (this was an option)

    $20 glove

    $15 bat

    $30 cleets

    $3 balls to practice at home

    $10 helmet


    Pictures sometime next month, cost ??


    "Big Day" I think this is our fundraiser next month, have no idea how much this is going to cost us.


    End of the season party, trophy, coach gift, team mom gift, who knows how much that will be??


    And my son is only 4. I know this was MY CHOICE to sign him up but something has got to change. I remember when I played softball the park provided balls, helmets and bats. Our registration also included a full uniform (shirt, pants, socks, hat). My how times have changed.


  5. Maybe be boring to some, but I am taking my crew to the park for a picnic lunch and picture taking! , Santa brought my girls camera's and they have yet to really use them becuase the weather has been so crapy. My oldest seems to really like photogarphy! I cant wait to spend time outside and just be with my kids, no phone, no laundry, no tv!!!



  6. :lol: not right now I have a whole stack that need sorted and filed and I cant even look at them.....I havent even made my shopping lists for this week............you KNOW there is stuff bothering me when I cant do coupons :rofl:



    I have not been shopping in 2 weeks here, eccept for milk and bread, can make myself go with everything else going on in my life right now. I just keep telling myself it will get better. I know what it is like to have your baby "put under" Take a deep breath and just try to think good thoughts Lisa. He needs you to be calm or he will freak out.

  7. Thank you Charlie Brown and everyone who offered help, I now have hot water, you dont know what your missing till it is gone. My DH has no clue about water heaters but CB gave me great directions. Just in time too, I need to do a steam bath for my DD.


    Also thanks Gee-Tee for getting back with me too. The on call service man for GLT was very nice and helpful. I will surely keep the number handy should I ever need a plumber!


    I :wub: pcom!

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