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Posts posted by duttonjl

  1. Oh My Do We All Get Like That When We Get That Age???? :o



    I sure hope so, that would mean that my DH finally gained as much weight as I have during our marriage!


  2. Ok, last night we discovered where our male cat has been going to the bathroom when he is pissed at us. This must have started back in the Summer when my husband left for California. Anywho, my male cat apparently loves to pee on our couch. It is all dried but smells to high heaven. Does anyone have a solution to get it all cleaned up and get rid of the smell/marker so he hopefully won't do it again. Ordinarily, I would buy a new couch, but we have no room in the apartment.


    Vinegar does the trick


  3. Thanks for all the advice about leaking diapers during the night. I bought size 3 and 4 Night Time Huggies. He leaked just a little out of the size 3 last night. His Mom is going to try the size 3 a little tighter tonight. If he still leaks a little she'll go to the size 4.


    We're going to buy sippy cups today--any thoughts on those?






    ALL SIPPY CUPS LEAK!! I dont care what the packaging says! LOL

    Good luck and GOD bless.


  4. I agree, If she did not run so tight, could you imagine how messy everything would be. I mean really think about it. She runs a tight ship, because really she has to. However, she really needs to do it is a more polite way. She is rude and never seems to think about Jon's feelings. Then there is Jon, it looks like if she didn't push him and ride him like she does, He wouldn't do anything. Just like the Twins room. OMG if she hadn't yelled at him to do it. It would have never gotten finished.


    I have been watching the show for a while, I think both Jon and Kate need to get some sort of Marriage Canceling. Both of them have there times. They need to learn to think about each other. Jon is just as guilty as Kate, honestly, have you ever seen any show where he actually helps Kate without her begging him to. You can see the strain on there Marriage. I normally can't sit through a whole show. Because it makes me want to just slap Kate and shake Jon..



    LOL, I just spit my coffee on my computer.

  5. My 7 year old DD had it 3 weeks ago, out of school the whole week, ran a fever for 8 days!

    My 10 year old DD had it last week, out of school 4 days, ran a fever for 6 days! (of course her teacher would not let her go to the office that monday morning when she told her she did not feel good, when she walked off the bus I knew she had something, she had at 103.5 fever when I got her inside and took it. That is a story for another thread)


    Now I am just waiting for my 4 year old to get it!


    The FLU stinks!!!



  6. He is so nice and she is so hateful to him. I just read in People that he doesn't enjoy the lime light as much as she does. He did go to his mother's and went out for a beer and got crazy. Didn't screw around though... They say they love each other and are devoted to each other. We shall see. I love all the kids but one... If you watch- you know who I am talking about.



    LOL, yeah I know which one, I like to yank a knot in her hair. "M"


  7. Did anyone here about their marriage being on the rocks??? I have read many articles on the web recently. I thought it was just rumor but I just saw a preview of the season finale and they play clips of them telling that they are having troubles (atleast that is what it looks like). I really like them, I hope they can work through it if they really are having problems.


  8. I saw a recipe a while ago and was wanting to try it tonight. I can remember most of it but not all. Chicken with stuffing cooked in the crock pot. Any help would be appreciated.



    I think TabbyCat posted it, maybe you can try to PM her.

  9. I used to work in a toy store back when the "My Buddy" dolls were popular...that was also about the same time the Chucky movies came out. :blink: :lol:



    Kind of like when Poltergist came out and I had a clown on the shelf in my room, scared me to death as a child. I had to get rid of that clown, My grandmother took it and 2 years ago when she passed I found it when I was packing up her stuff, it is now in a sealed box in my basement! I still cant stand manaquins or toys with eyes, I always think they are watching me :ph34r: :blink:

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