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Everything posted by AtlantaBry

  1. Man, you guys are tight. Okay here we go... I was implying that he had missed all of my other points so the chances of me explaining it to him was very slim. This is what some may call a joke.
  2. How long did it take you to catch that poor little bird just so you could make up that story just to show off that huge rock? J/K of course, cute story. Glad the birdie was ok.
  3. Wow, so you are saying that what he may do if he looses would make you want to vote for him? That is a point I didn't even think of....when it is re-election time his actions may sway votes one way or the other. Anyway, I couldn't say that I would vote for or against him right now......alot could happen between now and then. Anyway, I want to stop the anger that has reared it head in the topic and say I'm sorry to most of you guys. I thought I was asking a valid question (and still do), but I am going to do some research on depression tomorrow and take another look at my position on this i
  4. No sir, it was actually a female.
  5. If I were a betting man I would say yes.
  6. The person that sent me a PM earlier this morning was 100% right when they said this would get turned around on me for people to promote there personal agenda. Look, I don't want the man's head on a platter. I have compasion for him and I hope he gets straightene out. My original thought and point was is he the best person to represent us with all of this going on in his personal life ALSO is this job healthy for him to stay in at this time or is it part of the problem that was pushing him toward the edge. I hope he gets over it and goes on to do great things. I don't get enjoyment in oth
  7. Thanks TD and Zipperneck........I had to take a little break a few hours ago...that comment did get me worked up. But I'm over it, I know the comparison is so off I can't let it get to me. But thanks for the kind words.
  8. BB, I appreciate the advice and I'll think about all of this tomorrow. But I'm not going to change my mind just because I'm in the minorty. But I do appreciate you being rational and not throwing personal slurs.
  9. This statement is totally unfounded and 100% freaking wrong it has be very mad right now. To compare terminal Ovarian cancer of a scuemous cell and depression is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Thing about what you are saying!!!! I hope and pray that younger people that read this that have depression issues don't look up to Glen Richardson and take his path of action................. Not sure if I'm an A$$ or not, just sharing my opion and not one person has answered the question. I think I may know why...........and you are showing your immaturity w/ the name cal
  10. Beach Bum, I'm giving my opinion just like everyone else....just because you don't agree doesn't mean I'm wrong nor does it mean I'm right. You should reconsider what a public message forum is. Umm, is to display public messages. Just answer me one question.......all of you that disagree with me. If Barack Obama tried to commit suicide and failed after allegedly having an affair would you be fine w/ him going right back to work? Be honest.....
  11. Now that is one sentence I can agree with and I would hope that anyone would know to do that and not let other people form their opinions.
  12. Pubby, perhaps he should step down so he can get his life in order? Apperently he can't handle all he has on his plate at this time.
  13. I'm glad you are better. I hope you never have to deal with it again.
  14. Horrible...horrible ending to this tragic story. Something just are not fathomable.
  15. I think it is freakin hilarious how so many of you seem to know that I have never dealt with any of this, that my entire life is all puppy dogs and ice cream. You know less about me than I know about Richardson so what is the difference?
  16. You have your opinion and I have mine. I can respect that.
  17. If you have read the other posts you would know that I have been through what I would consider much worse thatn this and I never got depressed and I think I am the one that controls that. Also I have had a family memeber attempt this and that does not change my stance. Sooo, I don't know what else to say.
  18. I agree with you that they go one was the result of the other...but my point is that is not the only option. When you are broke you can get a job or rob a bank. If someone chooses to rob the bank we shouldn't just sweep it under the rug. I know depression is hard and like I said earlier I hope he learns from this and gets better and puts it all behind him. I just question that after showing this type of judgement should he be our rep in the house? This isn't like delivering for Papa John's or something.
  19. Depression is NOT pain! I have been through many rough days and nights but never once did iven think about doing anything to harm myself. I'm not comparing the to is severity but this to me is like when I hear somene say that they "Can't stop smoking". Yes you can, but YOU have to be the one to do it. You are the one that controls if you are depressed or not. Either make the changes in your life to get out of a bad situation or live with it. Taking your own life and leaving your loved ones the mess to clean up should NOT be an option. And why do I keep seeing "at least he came forwa
  20. Look at your quote....you are telling me that I have no idea and that I don't know what it feels like. Aren't you doing that exact thing by telling me that I don't know? How do you know, that I don't know what it feels like? As do your statements go beyond as well? How do you guys know that I have not felt this pain in my life as well? Just because I don't agree w/ it doesn't mean I have dealt with it 1st hand. Somone in my family attempted it ans wasn't successful......and I have the same opinion about them.
  21. I don't have the right to judge an elected offical? Of course I do, that is what the entire voting process is about isn't it? Also I'm not trying to declare a winner in death or suicide........ther are no winners. And the selfish aspect that I was referring to is that all of those who are left to deal with everthing after a person takes their own life.
  22. So...if someone was addicted to a drug would you think they should still be allowed to hold office while they go thru rehab? If he wasn't the hometown boy (or apparently a democrat) you guys would be all over him. Just another example of blind loyalty. You are right.......with depression you have the option to live. If you are strong enough.
  23. I'm sorry for that, but I had to watch my 29 year old wife pass from Ovarian cancer and go home and tell my 2 year old and 5 year old that thier mommy was gone. She fought so hard to overcome cancer and wanted to live to see all out our kids soccer games, christmas's, etc and she will never do that. So I have ZERO sympathy for someone shhas the opportunity to live and tries to take their own life. I don't want him speaking for me! And for those who are talking about Biden and Obama...........that has nothing to do with this so you are just showing your ignorance.
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