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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. two totally different animals... I would go to shooting range and rent/shoot both. then you will know
  2. if Art's crew can't get to you...call Todd at Admiral PM me for the number. Now, if you are still w/o heat... we have plenty of room let us know
  3. thought you were going to say that kids are gone and you get to dance nekked in your elf shoes!
  4. Doing as well as I can be Thank you for asking. Hope to see you around town soon.
  5. Today was a great day! Dad's vitals are stable and they are slowing weening him from the ventilator. Still not out of the woods. Your continued prayers are much appreciated and felt!
  6. prayers going up for the young man
  7. To the fellow p.commer I met this morning...
  8. Dad is still in ICU and slowly waking up. Bleeding appears to have stopped. Slowly weening him off of the vent and pressors. Please continue to include my father and our family in your prayers. They are felt and appreciated
  9. Dad is doing much better today! They are starting to ween him off of the pressors they had him on and it appears his body is reacting to the medication and the bleeding has stopped. Dad is not out of the woods and I would like to thank you for the prayers and ask that you please continue to pray for Dad and our family.
  10. Well, after another surgery yesterday Dad is doing much better today! Still in ICU and his vitals are stable and his color looks better than it has in weeks! Please continue to keep Stan and our family in your thoughts and prayers.
  11. Yesterday was a good day! Dad's Dr.s said he looked the best he has since coming to SICU. Not out of the woods yet. Your prayers and warm wishes are appreciated. Please continue to pray.
  12. The bleeding appears to be SLOWING! Dad is resting and they are feeding him again! This is the best news we have had in a while! Please continue to include my father Stan in your prayers as they are felt and appreciated!
  13. I am right there with you... I'm not good company right now. Doing my best to stay in faith and be positive. Sending you a (((HUG))) in case you need it... Get ready and hold your arms out... Here it comes!!! You Getting it?
  14. Dad is fighting hard, vitals good, blood loss much slower. Please continue prayers for his healthcare, strength, patience, and comfort. Your prayers are being felt.
  15. Dad is currently in IR (intervention radiology) undergoing yet another procedure to stop the bleeding. Please continue to PRAY that GOD is with the Dr.s and medical staff for a successful procedure to stop the bleeding.
  16. Getting ready to do endoscopy. Pray they find an stop bleeding
  17. hospital just called...Dad's H&H is low Having to give him blood as the bleeding Has started again. Please continue to pray
  18. Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend! :yahoo: I wish I was there to give you a BIG BIRTHDAY HUG! I have not done a video in a few weeks... Let me see what kind of props I can find Here in the hospital.
  19. I thought last year we all were at BIRDIES...was it the year before?
  20. Thank you to EVERYONE for the PRAYERS they are felt and appreciated! Please continue to pray as Dad is not out of the woods yet,
  21. Dad is holding his own this morning! Praise God!!! His vitals are stable and they have not had to give him Any blood products today!!! Dad is still knocked out from the Adavan they gave him And he just opened his eyes for a moment!!! Waiting for the Doctors to stop in. This emotional roller coaster is starting To get to me... I know God is in contro and We truly appreciate all the prayers And ask you to continue them.
  22. Dad still has internal bleeding and they are doing another test to try to find it. He may have to be med-vac'd to another city to see a specialist . He is also still on a ventilator until the bleeding stops. Your prayers are appreciated.
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