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Posts posted by 2009HOG

  1. That's truly sad. I hate that the boy drowned. We just got back from vacation this week. My boys, 16, 12 and 6 swam all week long. I always was with them watching them even when we went to a water park and there were plenty of lifeguards around. My children's safety is my responsibility. If God forbid something ever were to happen to them while swimming, it would never occur to me to sue the place where they were swimming.



    Well said................I grew up at the ocean and my parents taught me to always swim with a "buddy". We would keep an eye on each other and a parent was always watching us.Turning over the safety and well being of your child to anyone you don't know and trust is something no one should ever do.It is a tragedy that a boy drowned but saftey anywhere today when it comes to a child is the first responsibilty of the parent.

  2. My company is looking for someone to take my old position.Operations manager of freight. we are located in Marietta off by Dobins. Great company to work for. They just built us a state of the art gym on site and is free to employees. PM me and I'll give you the details.

  3. I am bored out of my mind tonight. I have uploaded new pics to my myspace which no one bothers to look at but, I think are awesome. I helped my hubby fill out what I have to say is one of the more odd applications that I have seen in a while and now I am just kind of sitting here listening to my hubby play "Bad Company" on xbox. Hoping that I can find someone to chat with about anything. Because quite frankly we have talked each other to death over here and I need someone on the outside :o LOL :D



    What kind of work is your husband looking for? By your name My guess is ... um....cop?

  4. dang..how weird...



    Its a UPS hub in Jacksonville and they must have a deep hole at the entrance. They only haul 30 footers in and out and I am sending a 53 footer.Bill was cheaper than I thought it would be --only 650.00

  5. QUOTE (apdsgt606marc @ Jun 18 2008, 01:14 AM)
    Hey Vinny hows it going tonight???

    You won't believe this but I just had a different driver blow a tire and bend a rim in the same place that it happened last night. He also has about 73,000 pounds of haz-mat on board.
  6. Yeah but you dont have to pay for it.....thank goodness..lol



    No but I have to explain it and that kind of sheeze comes right off the bottom line of which I get a good chunk of at the end of the fiscal year.Last year the it was real close to 5 figures. Taxes eat it up pretty bad.

  7. vinnie how is work going tonight????



    Just had a driver bend a rim on a 53 footer with 73,000 pounds of chemicals on it in Jacksonville Florida. Tire lost the bead on the rim and normally I would just have the tire taken off the rim and let roll back but with that weight and the fact he is heading to Lakeland FL I had to get a company to go place a new rim on the trailer.Other than that the normal BS

  8. Hey vinny...it was ok....had to go back to work sat so it was just another day fer sure...1 more until I am off for two......Trying to find a car to detail wends..if you know of anyone needing a good cleaning let me know...

    4 more days for me then the 3 day weekend. Did'nt come home from the mountains until this morning (the fishing was great). As far as the detailing goes if I know anyone I will send them your way. Luckily for me my wife is a clean freak. All I have to do is leave the Harley in the driveway and say "Man that bike is filthy" and she runs out and washes it.She always thinks the house is filthy and all my friends will say how clean it is. It makes her happy to clean.Go figure! And before someone asks NO you can't borrow her.

  9. Hey, here's a project y'all can give me some ideas on. We got a new riding mower (late house warming gift) so we are into doing our yard work now. We're also doing some major pruning and pulling out some old bushes. Here are my questions:


    1- Where can we find a very very reasonably priced cart/trailer thingy to pull behind the mower?


    2- What's the best way to pull out those old bushes without rutting our yard?


    3- Does anybody care to help us with this little list of yard work?


    Thanks in advance gentlemen!


    1. Check Craigs list

    2. Dig at the roots and cut below ground level

    3. nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! lol

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