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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. yes to the compression. it will help with the swelling, and if it does happen to have a hairline fracture, which sometimes can't be seen with all the swelling, it will help to stablilize it. Remember the RICE anangram....rest, ice, compression, and elevation. I wouldn't put rice on top of the cut unless you have an ice pack that won't have condensation on it. try to keep it dry to keep it from getting infected. Hope it helps and feels better!

  2. keep it ELEVATED!! With it being the lowest part of your body, blood is going to pool there more naturally, causing more swelling and pressure. Try to keep it elevated as much as you can and keep heat off of it. Use ice packs if you can/need to. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. good luck. don't listen to those who tell you that you can't or won't. they don't have the willpower. be STRONG!! reward yourself with something else you would have spent the money on for each month you quit. trip, massages, new hair do, whatever. BUT GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. I like to use them for the purpose they are intended for, just a couple of items, to be quicker. The reason I said no on the other thread was because Home Depot has been getting where they are only opening the self checkout and no others forcing everyone to use them including the people who have no clue what they are doing. Then it ends up being forever to check out. Now if I walk into Kroger and there is no one in that line, I'll use it in a heartbeat just to be out quicker.

  5. I agree. The HD in Hiram has very few good customer service associates. The paint dept. being the main one, although Josh was great, the others sucked. And I've had the same problem, no human checkout people. It sucks!!!

  6. not helping out with things that are community jobs. It seems that only one or two people do everything. I think people believe we have fairies who do all the little things like cleaning, picking up, and oh-yeah, the office snitches! They hear something and then go back and take it to the boss and LIARS. don't get me started!!!

  7. I had one of these at my house just last week....it chased me down the driveway when I was taking out the trash. scared the bejeezus out of me...the next afternoon it had built a nest right outside my garage door. I started to kill it then found out what it was (it is a writing spider, like previous posters have said, like charlottes web) just couldn't kill it. They do tear down their webs each night and rebuild. Looked this up just today, the male is the old spider to die during sex with a female. Then, she eats him as most females do. Thought it was neat info.

  8. glad your son is going to be better soon! Just for future reference, you can go to a natural/vitamin store or GNC and they sell a liquid (colloidal) silver. tastes like tap water, and knocks out strep, sinus and sore throats in general. been using the stuff for seven years now. Always keep it in stock around my place. Best advice I ever got was to get this stuff, and it's all natural.

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