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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. thanks to all of you. Yep I'm wonderful was actually ok and VERY Lucky and surrounded by my guardian angels. I had 4 cuts on my hands, 1 on my elbow, and one on my leg where they had to bust the passengers window to get me out. Thank God I was by myself. All my stuff went out my back window, and my doggie wasn't with me. His food was and was all over 278. He now resides in a seat belt when he rides in the car. I know, a little crazy, but he's my baby. The bottom of my seat was in the shape of a V. And yes gail-e-spaz, there needs to be a traffic light there BADLY.

  2. When you have had a friend killed by a drunk driver, then come and see me about a sob story. Sorry, I have no feelings for that. do the crime, do the time kinda thing. Most first time offenders also get the permit to drive to work and back. I know people make mistakes, but stupid mistakes can take innocent lives. So this dad who has this job and family should have been worried about his family before drinking and driving. And so many people don't learn their lesson, that's why they're driving on a suspended license...ok...off my soapbox, for the time being anyway.oh, and they said it was a SECOND dui, just in case you didn't see that

  3. I went to babyland for the first time back in may for my birthday. Had wanted to go since I was a kid....I loved it, and it's great that its free. They are actually getting ready to close that location and open a new, I think 3 million dollar center. Glad I got to go and see the original. There is a fun corn maze to do on the way up there too. Don't know when it will open though.

  4. ugh, I had the same thing happen. Stepped on one and out ran what seemed like thousands of little one....8 years later, and I still *shudder* thinking about it!!! Was on the front porch at my parents house and had to jerk my nephew who was 2 at the time up and throw him in the house.

  5. she might want to try a shampoo line called nioxin too. It was developed for patients of chemotherapy. If she wants to try it, let me know and I can get it for her at cost. Can't do this for everybody, but both my parents are cancer survivors. Prayers for her!

  6. was on my way to work when the first hit, and walked up the stairs to where our breakroom was just as the 2nd was hitting. Thought the first one was an accident, like most people did. Still seems unreal.

  7. I work at Natural Body spa at the avenues!! I'm one of the massage therapists there. Thank you all for the good words about us! Let me know if you need any info. We offer several different types, so ask questions if you haven't had one before and want to know which you should get. :-) Lisa

  8. I was going to say the same thing. I was in a wreck and flipped my car back in February (which is how I found P.Com), and they had already called life flight just by looking at my car. It was a complete mess, but I only ended up with a few scratches (definitely had a guardian angel with me that day). They call life flight just in case, because we don't have a trauma or neuro facility here. Figure better safe than sorry.

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