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Posts posted by Gray_Wolf

  1. One day a mother was out and the dad was in charge of the baby.

    The baby was maybe 3 1/2, and someone had given her a little

    'tea set' as a present and it was one of her favorite toys.


    Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when

    she brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water.


    After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea,

    the Mom came home.


    Dad made her wait in the living room to watch her bring him a cup

    of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!'


    The Mom waited, and sure enough, here she came down the hall with

    a cup of "tea" for Daddy. She watched him drink it up.


    Then she says, 'Did it ever occur to you that the only place that baby

    can reach to get water is the toilet?'


    G. Wolf

  2. FYI.


    Be careful of Vista SP1. See below.


    SANS NewsBites Vol. 10 Num. 15




    --Microsoft Acknowledges Compatibility Problems from Vista SP1

    (February 21, 2008)

    Microsoft has issued a list of applications that will either be broken

    or experience reduced functionality after Windows Vista Service Pack 1

    is installed. Microsoft recommends that users install updates from

    vendors to fix the compatibility problems. In a related story,

    Microsoft has removed a problematic SP1 pre-update file from its

    software update service because of reports that it was causing some

    machines to continually reboot.





    [Editor's Note (Pescatore): It appears that Microsoft will slow down

    wide distribution of SP1 because of the high level of compatibility

    issues. SP1 should be treated like any other patch - don't move to it

    until you have tested all your images to make sure all apps still work.

    It is not always a bad thing when this happens - apps breaking because

    they are being forced to operate more securely is good breakage - but

    business interruption from pushing patches and upgrades out too fast is

    never a career-enhancing move.]


    G. Wolf

  3. S.P. for V.P. Sends a chill down my back. I rather have Opie for VP.






    Flag vote issue,




    Flying helicopter issues,



    Land ownership issue, possible tax break?



    Education near bottom of all 50 states. What about 46, 47 or 48?


    So lets "Go Fish".

    http://gov.georgia.gov/00/press/detail/0,2...1878723,00.html (is this close to the land deal area?)


    These are some of the stories I remember of Perdue. But hey at least he has not asked for the definition of "IS".


    I know that there are good stories as well. All together they make the man.


    However, I am more interested in those that do what is right, by the rules, being HONEST and not playing POLITICS (creating THEM -vs - US fear, undoing what the OTHERS have done before, punishing people that do not vote your way). I am for getting rid of PAC and Lobbyist. I am for passing legislation based on the good of community and not the purse strings of those that can "buy a law". Then the people will have a better government. Until then...burrrrrr


    G. Wolf

  4. What a story :




    Dog walks 70 miles through war zone to find his master.


    IRAQ -- Their friendship began half way across the world in Iraq, when St. Petersburg native Major Brian Dennis encountered a mixed breed dog in Anbar Province. The dog had been savagely abused and his ears cut off.


    The marine decided to call him Nubbs.


    In e-mails to his mother, Marsha Cargo in Tierra Verde, Major Dennis wrote how he was "dumbfounded" when he learned Nubbs' ears were cut off purposely by an Iraqi to make him tough and more alert. Nubbs, he said, was ordained a fighting dog.


    Four months passed, and the bond between man and his four legged friend grew. Nubbs, was dealt severe blows in his short life, including being stabbed by a screwdriver. The major shared his distress with mother.


    “He tried sleeping with him that night because it was 18 degree temperature and he was afraid he was not going to live through the night. So out of his back pack, he took Neosporin and covered the wound,” Cargo said.


    Major Dennis nursed Nubbs back to health...and here is where this friendship takes a remarkable turn: Major Dennis was ordered to move his squadron 70 miles away. He complied.


    His mother shared her son's surprise of a lifetime, “Two days later he was out there working on a vehicle in the front yard and all of a sudden here comes Nubbs. He had tracked Brian 70 miles across the desert in 18 degree temperature while being wounded.”


    Despite strict rules, Major Dennis wrote to his mother, he had to help this dog. "I won't even address the gauntlet. He had to run off a pack of dogs, wolves and god knows what else to get here...when he arrived he looked like he had been through a war zone," Dennis wrote.


    Weeks went by, and Nubbs was dealt another blow,


    “Someone told on them that they had the dog and they had 4 days to get rid of him or Nubbs was going to be shot,” Cargo said.


    That’s when the Marine made it his mission to get Nubbs to safety. He wrote, “Nubbs was going to America, this dog had been through a lifetime of fighting war, abuse, and had tracked our team over 70 miles of harsh desert (and) was going to live the good life."


    The major started an e-mail campaign that crisscrossed continents. Within two days there was three thousand dollars to bring Nubbs home.


    “The hardest part was getting him across the Jordanian border,” Cargo told us.


    But, in keeping with the rest of this story, the duo defied the odds. Major Dennis was able to get Nubbs into Jordan. A family here in The U.S. will take care of him there until these friends can be reunited.


    “I almost feel like Brian is his guardian angel and maybe he is Brian's guardian angel,” Cargo said.


    G. Wolf

  5. Some examples of things that can trigger a migraines : stress, MSG, Coconuts, cheddar cheese, dark chocolates, red wine, sinus issues (usually weather pressure changes), genetics (passed down the family tree) and eye strain.


    One can get have vision issues such as seeing flashing spots (visual disturbances), eyes becoming very light sensitive, limited vision. Also, other issues are feeling sick to your stomach (but not able to toss your cookies), not able to stand up properly due to pain, sometimes there will be audible issues, Sharp needle like pulsating pain behind one or both eyes. Pain in the muscle from the back of the neck to the front of the head. Unable to sleep due to light, noise and pain.


    Migraines can last a few hours to a few days. Sometimes one can have multiple migraines one after another. This is known as a "cluster migraine".


    To reduce having migraines. Either avoid certain foods and avoid stress (exercise the frustration out).


    In any case. It would be best to see a doctor. Keep a journal of what you eat as well.


    Simply put, I would not wish a migraine on my worst enemy.


    G. Wolf


    Added Web link : http://www.webmd.com/search/search_results...eType=undefined



  6. http://www.ajc.com/news/content/news/stori...barneyfife.html


    Police: Robber accidentally shoots himself during heist


    Published on: 01/16/08


    KOKOMO, Ind. (AP) — A man accidentally shot himself in the groin as he was robbing a convenience store Tuesday, police said.


    A clerk told police a man carrying a semiautomatic handgun entered the Village Pantry demanding cash and a pack of cigarettes. The clerk put the cash in a bag and as she turned to get the cigarettes, she heard the gun discharge.


    Police say surveillance video shows the man shooting himself as he placed the gun in the waistband of his pants. The clerk wasn't injured.


    A short time later, police found 25-year-old Derrick Kosch at a home with a gunshot wound to his right testicle and lower left leg.


    Kosch was released from the hospital Tuesday and booked into the Howard County jail on a charge of armed robbery, criminal recklessness and battery. He is being held on a $100,000 cash bail. A jail official did not know if he had retained an attorney Wednesday.


    G. Wolf

  7. Make sure that the telephone base is not close to your router, or the cable modem! Our phones at work were having a lot of interferance. I did something uncharacteristic and read the manual looking for problems. It said that the base should be at least two feet from any other transmitting device.



    Don Brown Jr,


    Good point as well. Also consider if a power line is running thru the wall near the base or router. Seen that before to cause some issues.


    G. Wolf

  8. A lawyer and a blond woman are sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer asks if she would like to play a fun game. The blond is tired and just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines and tries to catch a few winks.


    The lawyer persists, that the game is a lot of fun. "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5. You ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500."


    This catches the blonde's attention; and, to keep him quiet, she agrees to play the game. The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?" The blond doesn't say a word, reaches in to her purse, pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer.


    Now, it's the blonde's turn. She asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?" The lawyer uses his laptop, searches all references. He uses the Airphone; he searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. He sends e-mail's to all the smart friends he knows, all to no avail.


    After one hour of searching he finally gives up. He wakes up the blond and hands her $500. The blond takes the $500 and goes back to sleep.


    The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes her up And asks, Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?"


    The blond reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to sleep.


    G. Wolf

  9. I do not fully understand as well. Maybe out of fear or financial reasons or learned from watching her parents.


    However, sometimes getting involve can help her realize her self worth and take that next step for betterment...


    G. Wolf

  10. I saw the story as well.

    I went to the store yesterday around 4 PM. It was not crowded. Maybe about 5 customers all together from 4 PM until 4:30 PM.

    I do expect them to get an increase in business over the next few weeks.


    When the church that I attend holds their Oktoberfest. We get our meat from there for our cookout.


    G. Wolf

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