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Everything posted by DeborahS

  1. Wanted to say hello and introduce myself...I am the 'newbie' to pcom and am proud to say I am now working diligently with LPPT & Pubby. I look forward to meeting you all !!
  2. When is this? Tonight Wade is singing? What time?
  3. It's on continuous stream on the front page where the news is...or you may be able to see it in the PCom4Teens forum....please watch it, these kids that are producing this show do a great job plus it's alot of hard work. They don't get paid or anything like that...so they take their free time and do this with hopes that some teens will benefit from it as well as some adult. Thanks
  4. The Pcom4Teens show did a tribute to Jordan Fitzgerald that has the Hiram Band of Gold in the back ground along with some pics of Jordan...great tribute and thanks to the kids on Pcom4Teens...
  5. CONGRATS AND WELCOME TO PCOM!!! It's me Debra....I told you everyone in pcomville would love the idea! I am soooo excited for you guys! PM me when you have an opeing date and I'll help put together your grand opeining for you!
  6. Yes it was a very sad scene this morning. I was there along with a few other parents. The principal was great. All of the kids in marching band along with the chorus kids were assembled together in the band room. Jordan was a member of the marching band and the chorus. There were councelors on hand for the kids along with some of the staff. I was very impressed with how the principal handled the situation. He had a hard time speaking to the kids and at one point even cried. He let them all know, boys and girls, that it was Ok to cry, OK to grieve and that they could take all the time they need
  7. Yes it was a very sad scene this morning. I was there along with a few other parents. The principal was great. All of the kids in marching band along with the chorus kids were assembled together in the band room. Jordan was a member of the marching band and the chorus. There were councelors on hand for the kids along with some of the staff. I was very impressed with how the principal handled the situation. He had a hard time speaking to the kids and at one point even cried. He let them all know, boys and girls, that it was Ok to cry, OK to grieve and that they could take all the time t
  8. Hey, got some sad news late last night....one of the young ladies in Sierra's (my daughter) marching band died yesterday. She was a freshman at Hiram High School. Only 14 yrs old...So very sad...my prayers are out to the parents. Can't imagine losing a child, much less so suddenly and unexpectantly... ...we as parents should never out-live our children.... Jordan Fitzgerald...rest in peace, baby, we love you....
  9. Come on peeps....check it out so you can give them some encouragement! It's alot of hard work for these kids, and very admirable that they take the time to do this with no pay, or bribes, or anything....just to do it because it's good for the teens in the community.....
  10. You're just adding a little seasoning for dinner! Hey, did you catch Pcom4teens?
  11. Hi, thanks for the compliments! We are working really hard at doing this show. Thanks to all the pcommers that are behind us!
  12. Check out the tribute to 9-11 on Pcom4Teens
  13. Has anyone checked out the new Pcom4teens show? It's on every Sunday evening around 8:00 or 8:30. Teens from the area high schools get together and put on this show. It's really outstanding! If you want to learn a little more about Paulding, check them out! They're featuring a segment titles "Things to do in Paulding" and they've highlighted different places for teens to go. They're also featuring a segment titled "Teens Following Their Dreams". It's really good. Last week they focused on a group of teens from Hiram High School that not only were in the Hiram High School Marchin
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