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Lady Raider

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Everything posted by Lady Raider

  1. Good Morning, I have the dreaded Dentist appointment today..
  2. somethings just grow great on their own, those are the best plants to have LoL
  3. I know you can not wait to get your arms around him.. that is wonderful he is home....
  4. Those sinus infections are horrible.. and I know you know my babies lOL
  5. That sounds good.. did you use squash that you had in your garden this past summer?
  6. you know my boys? I don't know if that is good or bad LOL you know what they say if you are thinking it you might as well say it ... she can hurt you later
  7. I always miss out on the mayberry's when the popo are giving them out. How are you feeling?
  8. yep that might get this one sent to the Tonk
  9. That reminds me of that movie... Hit wheezier
  10. RR did you have enough a1 SAUCE? Gonna have to stop feeding those boys so good, they get sleepy LOL Hey Boss I would like a mayberry
  11. OOOO Boss be careful what you ask for LOL no telling what will happen next LOL did you take LULU with you on your vacation? or did you take one or all 3 of those Bradley girls with you? LOL
  12. you are back from the fair early... Those flowers are pretty
  13. My gut is full and I am sleepy now LOL Boss how ya been?
  14. Hubby and I had chili's they are having that special again 2 for 20.00 I figured I have saved enough on groceries to splurge just a liittle LOL I tell ya that is horrible to have all this food here and not won't to cook none of it LOL anyone else ever get that way?
  15. It sounds like those who have been have really liked it,.
  16. I hope they get it back also, we were gonna try to get it to the owner our selves, but we could not read the name on back of the card. so hopefully they will come back and get it,
  17. we found it this morning at the gas station at Kroger were cross roads is.. we turned it in to the gas clerk that was in the booth, I could not read the name on it, so they have it.
  18. I must have missed this both times when I went by there this morning.. if it was the blue Double wide it was empty..
  19. The school tax had been dropped on my parents, but when they had their place put in my name now mama has to pay them again. and it makes a huge difference. does anyone know if there is something that you can file so that her school tax will be dropped, even though the property is in my name? someone on here told me one time that there was an estate form that could be filled out.
  20. The cleaners shut down because they did not handle their finances lets say in smart way. my 2 aunts worked for them for 11 years, they did all the cleaning and pressing, and if you came in and a tall skinny lady waited on you then it was one of my 2 aunts. I could say a lot about the owners but I won't since court dates have been set. and I do know that the son is a member on here, so if you read this, you did my aunts wrong and you know exactly who I am. some people just do not know how to handle their money, they live beyond their means, and it will catch up with you!
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