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Posts posted by JBFAN1

  1. My birthday is December 21. My Parents were always so good about celebrating both mine and Christs birthday. I do however have inlaws that refuse to put up a tree,give gifts to our children (their only grandchildren) and do anything but sit around and mope on Christmas. They have been like this since I've known them for 15 years. It is really sad because my family is just the opposite.

  2. I was there 1980-1987. I have the best memories of that school. We were the Hollydale Hooters!

    Our lunchrrom was painted with pictures of Brer Rabbit and the tarhole. I remember the round fountains just outside the lunchrrom where we would wash our hands. We had a Big library with a loft you could sit in and read. We used to have the best music teacher that even taught us to square dance. I remember the best Fall festivals and Spring Fairs and back then we even had Pet shows. Mr. Moore was my principal then. He was very nice. We did have a pretty mean lunch monitor,though. We had discs in the lunchrrom that would be turned to "red" if we were loud. Some of my teachers were Mrs. Roland,Mrs Young(mean lady), mrs. Carlisle,Mrs. Reece, Mrs. Farr and Mrs. Nader. Elementary was my favorite. I miss Hollydale. Did anybody else go there???

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