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Posts posted by JBFAN1

  1. Ok. It seems like when we were younger my older sister would always wake me up around 5 a.m. and we would sneak downstairs to see what Santa brought then we would go back to bed and wake back up around 7.am. My kids will not wake up until around 8 a.m. I have to make some sort of raquet every year to wake them up. They look so forward to it but just won't get up. Oh, and they always go to bed on Christmas Eve early around 9. How do you get your kids up. I am more excited than them usually,I get up at 5 and wait on them.

  2. I have a celebrity look a like. People are always telling me that I look like Martina McBride. I have lighter hair though. The funny thing is that my mother really looked like her when she was younger. I have been stopped in the mall,in the grocery store and other places and told that I look like her.

  3. I remember that,it was in the middle hall with the "ditto" room(where they ran copies). All of our dittos were with bluish purple ink,now they are all in black.


    Does anyone remember our talents shows and how long they were,they would last for hours. They were so much fun. What is funny is a guy who was a year younger than me was always winning the talent show for his drama and singing and now he goes to my church. Guess what he does? Sings and does the drama at church! His name is Russell Lester.


    My mother has seen Mrs. Melton recently and she is doing well.

  4. I knew Jimmy O'neal and Jack Henderson. Not familiar with Donald Hearing.


    OMG! Jimmy O'Neal is my cousin.



    My parents lived, and of course me, in Hollydale from when it was built till 1987. We lived at 2790 Valleybrook Drive. The corner lot. The yard used to seem sooooo big now it seems so small. The Covey's, Fednanders(their daughter was my best friend for many many years), Westbrooks, Dumbickeys(David was my friend and he had a neighbor right next door named David as well)Bartletts, these were some of our neighbors there were others that I do not remember that moved when I began to roam the neighborhood :D

    My mom knew them. I knew the kids too but not super well. What happened to Ruby???? I want to tell my mother.



    I knew Justin Fednander. He was a sweet kid. I wonder how is he is today.

  5. I remember now the mom's name was Ruby. A very sweet women. The fire was on the left part of the house. It was cedar in front. Fenced in yard. I just remembered the neighors name was Ruby( I think Parker was the last name. Swet people.



    I asked my mom if she remembered this and she didn't even know about it. She knew everything about everybody in Hollydale or that went to that school.


    i'm class of 92 also. we moved after my 5th grade year to another district. if your hubby went to hollydale, we may have been in the same class. :D



    My hubby was Mceachern class of 1992 as well!!!!

  6. Hell no. Not Darrell. I was talking about Jason. And let me just say, I am sure Darrell was well known, and you don't have to say what he was well known for, because I already know. I couldn't think of a single thing good to say about him if I had to, so don't worry about what you would say about him.


    I didn't know Jason. I didn't even know Darrell past 8th grade,because I went to a private school while he stayed at Mceachern or wherever. I just heard thru the rumor mill about him. Were there 3 brothers?

  7. Does anyone remember a bad house fire on Valley view back in the 80's? It happeped during a ice storm. I was told someone died in it. I was told after I bought the house, by my neighbor. I can't remember her name but she had a son named Lamar.



    I think I remember that. Was that the newer part,like the cedar style homes? I do remember a house burning down real close to Christmas that was due to a Christmas tree catching fire.


    It is a small world. I figured from all the dates everyone was giving many of you would know him. I am sure he made himself known.

    Oh. I forgot. Scott Oliver is a police officer in Fulton County now.



    Who,Darrell????? He was very well known. That's all I'm saying.

  8. I thought Shane lived in the same neighborhood when you gave the name of the street. I guess you know Kevin died didn't you.


    Okay! I went to school with Darrell Crowe,Scott Oliver and Kevin Marshall. My family was camping at Allatoona the same time as the Crowes and Kevin was with them. I was in 7th grade then. I knew that Kevin died. I was good friends with his fiance Rachelle. Small world!

  9. hubby just called and said I had to read this post. I moved to Hollydale in 76 (2nd grade) then bought a house in there and my son went there also.


    Mr. Moore lives next to my grandfather in Mableton. All the neighborhood kids called my grandfather "Paw Paw" he was the neighborhood taxi. Skating parties on at Cresent and the class with the most kids won! That was always fun.


    Thank you for remembering Ms. Brindle's name, that came up in a conversation not to long ago and I could never come up with it. She was the sweetest teacher.


    Ms. Nader in 5th grade was a family friend and worked for the Humane Society and taught all of us that you HAD to have your cats and dogs spayed and neutered. and to this day, every cat I have ever had has been fixed.


    We just moved from there 5 years ago, I miss it. It has really changed alot from the 70's. Go figure. LOL


    Is anyone going to start name dropping? My claim to fame in Hollydale was....I lived next door to Terrie and Donna Wheeler. The I bough Brian Lajay's house when I got older. Both were on Fern Valley.

    My mom was Best friends with Mrs. Nader. She actually took over her job at the Humane Society once she died. My mom worked at Hollydale as well.

  10. Oh yeah, I remember having tumbling classes down that back kidergarden hall. They would lay out mats all down the hall and we would roll.


    The gym was enclosed when I was in 4th grade,I think. The doors were like huge garage doors so that they could open when there was nice weather.


    Does anybody remember the house across the street on the corner where a lady was killed by her husband. That always freaked me out.

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