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Posts posted by JBFAN1

  1. OMG YOU GUYS! Lola (my puppy) just jumped down off the couch and ran to the door like she had to wee and my hubby took her out. She ran him all over the yard and then came inside looking for food,ate and drank a whole bowl of pedialyte. What in the world. Can she overcome this that quick. I am beginning to wonder if she even has it now. It is like day & night from how she was acting 1 hour ago. I am so excited!!!!!!! Do you guys think she tested positive because she just got her shot 6 days ago. This is so weird. You guys have been so awesome. I just hope this is not a calm before the storm.

  2. Was she checked for worms? They can throw up round worms. They look like speghetti. If you think it is a worm, I'd sure check with the vet. I would think worms could weaken her system. But because of the parvo, they may can't treat her for that now, I just don't know.



    I called Dr. Lugar about the worm,she said just let her get over the parvo first then we will get her worm treatments started. It was like a spagetti worm,I think she'll be fine right now with them even though Ihate it for one more thing to be wrong with her.

  3. My dog we got off the side of the road 3 years ago had a very bad case of this. When we rescued him from the road we could not tell anything was wrong, but within a few days we noticed him not really eating, playing, and was throwing up. Our chances of him making it was very low but we felt we owed it to him to try. We had to leave him at the vet for 3 days to get him back hydrated, then when we brought him home we had to keep him in a very clean area to himself because it is sooo easy to pass to other animals. We had to make sure we took our socks off and everything when we left the room he was in to prevent it from spreading. The vet also told us to pick up and flush any time he went to the bathroom (even from outside ) because the virus can last 4 years in your soil. The dr. put him on a diet of nothing but chicken and rice for 6 weeks. We also had to take our other dog in for booster shots just to be on the safe side even though he was up to date on all of his shots. He is now very healthy, but he has to remain on dog food for sensitive systems and can no longer eat ANY people food b/c it will make him sick. Good luck with this and be very careful if you have any other animals.


    That's great! I just went out and bleached the yard down. I only have a cat so I think he's safe.

  4. Dr. Lugar sent me home with an antibiotic to stop the 2nd infection from starting and an anti-nausea medicine. She did not give me anything else. She just told me I needed to keep her hydrated and if she got worse than I would take her back to her for overnight treatments but I cannot afford that. I am just going to treat her here around the clock. I will stay up all night if that is what it takes. All these success stories on here have made me feel so much better about her. I will try to post pics later of her if I can figure out how to do it. Thanks everone!!!


    JB, seems like you want so bad to help this baby. Do not even accept this 50/50 stuff. You just keep in your heart the knowledge that you WILL pull this baby through. Please call the humane society number I left you. Someone will call you. It may not be immediately, but someone will call. Sounds like MisJess has some good suggestions for you. You might want to keep in close contact with her. I have to leave the board for about an hour. Keep us updated and I will keep checking for updates.


    Thanks so much Sooch. We called the Humane Society and are waiting for a call back.

  5. If you don't want the puppy anymore we'll take it off your hands. We've dealt with Parvo before and treated it at home so its nothing new to us. Send me a PM if you want me to get her.



    I want her more than anything. I just don't want to feel like I've failed if she don't make it thru this. I am doing everything I can around the clock to help her right now and will continue until she's 100% better! Thanks anyway!

  6. Thanks everyone. I knew that I could count on Pcom members to help with advice. How can I give her an IV? So far she is keeping fluids down. I have my fingers crossed. She is napping now but seems to have a slight fever. Dr. Lugar just told me to keep her on Gatorade or Pedialyte and she gave me a syringe to give it to her which helps because she won't drink on her own. This is so pityful.

  7. My new puppy that we adopted from the pound on Saturday has been diagnosed with Parvo. She seemed like a normal little puppy until yesterday evening. I took her to Dr. Lugar today and she tested positive for the virus. I think she has a mild case right now. She has only thrown up 3 times in 24 hours and no diaerrhea(sp?) so far. She is extremely tired and will not eat. I am giving her Gatorade to keep her hydrated. I don't know what else to do for her and cannot afford to keep her there overnight,it's $100 a night. Help!!!!! I am terribly upset about this,I am already so in love with her. :( :( :(

  8. We had a soup party at my mom & dad's house. It was Great! I made the homemade loaded baked potato soup and my sister made broccoli and cheese soup and my mom made rice,meat & tomatoes mixed together. My mom also made homemade cornbread. We ate 7 up cake for dessert. Yummy!!!

  9. I have about 19 or so PS1 games that are just collecting dust. If you are interested, please let me know.


    NFL Gameday 2000

    Gran Turismo 2

    Moto Racer 2

    Spec Ops: Ranger Elite

    Dukes of Hazzard

    NCAA Gamebreakers 2001 (College Football)

    Jet Moto

    Motocross Mania


    Crash Banicoot: Warped

    Sno-Cross Championship Racing

    Spider Man

    Spider Man II

    NHL 2001

    NFL Blitz


    NCAA Football 2000

    Tiger Woods 99

    Kurt Warner's Arena Football: Unleashed



  10. I have them in my pictures too. My mom's house is really old and there are more in the pictures that I take at her house. If you zoom in to the pictures with the orbs you can really make out a face. It is weird. I kinda believe it. Call me crazy!

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