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Posts posted by JBFAN1

  1. Where I can find employment at night,late evening hours or weekends only? I used to clean offices and really liked it. I thought about maybe a catering company that would hire me for events in the evenings. I also would like to know if anyone knows of a good work at home opprotunity. I have kids home during the summer and that's why I'm finding it hard to find anything suitable right now for me. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  2. We went yesterday and it was great. The lines were very short. The longest line we waited in was Thunder River and it was about 20 minutes. Even the monster plantation was no line at all. The park was very clean and everyone was friendly. We ate at the oldies diner near the old chevy show and we actually split a burger and fries and it was $9.00. That filled us up. We bought the souvenier cup and it was $12.99 but the refills were FREE. I swear we refilled it 20 times. It was well worth the money. It was a little hot at times but we tried to just stay on the water rides. Have fun if you go.

  3. I go to Tropical Rayz,it is in Dallas but I love it! It's very inexpensive and the owner is Angela Traylor(Big Boss Man's wife). She is very nice and so are the other girls there. It is the road between the carwash and the Dollar General right on Merchant's Drive going towards the Dallas Big Lots. It is the last building on the left(aluminum building). All of her lotions are usually on sale like at a fraction of the cost.

  4. FBBC, where did you go to school. I remember at Hollydale Elem. we used to do that to. I even remember doing it in my Brownie Troop. We went to Presbyterian Village. Is that where you went too?

  5. She is still doing great today! Someone on here told me to give her Benadryl next time before she gets her shots . The vet called me yesterday to check on her and I told her she was all the way better and they said she did test positive and it was very rare to see a dog have an iteraction to the shots. I guess she was 1 in 1,000 then. I am just so glad she is well and that I did not have to go thru all that for days. It upset me so bad on Monday seeing her that way.

  6. She is still acting good! She ate a scrambled egg after she begged for mine on my sandwich for dinner and she kept it down. Praise God! She only got sick once today and no diarrhea at all today. I am beginning to wonder if it's not parvo,it just don't sound like all that I have been hearing about it except for her acting lathargic today. She did test positive but I read on a website about parvo that it can be in their system for up to 14 days after they get the shot because it is a live dosage of the parvo virus that is in the shot. It even said that sometimes puppies will have side effects from the shots days after having it that will be mild parvo symptoms. I am so cofused. I just pray that she is better now and it does not come back. I will keep everyone posted. Thanks to everybody who was concerned. You made us feel special!!! :) :)

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