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Posts posted by flossy

  1. i'm hoping that Kris will win, he seems so much more humble than Adam. I like Adam, but am soooooo over the screaming on EVERY song. I heard this morning that Kris is a worship leader... i didn't know that.... cool

  2. i personally didn't care for Adam's version of "One", you don't need to scream on that song! Danny did OK and I thought Kris did pretty good. I was an Adam fan until last night on "One", he didn't have to scream, we all know that he can hit the high notes, but what about actually singing!

  3. I have some very high-end equipment to transfer cassette tapes into digital format, if anyone would be interested. I know I personally have cassettes dating back to 1983 that I would love to transfer to CD. I have state of the art music software that can eliminate noise, and remove other problems associated with old cassettes.


    If you would be interested in having this done, shoot me a PM. :)

    What about LP's and maybe 8tx?? My parents had a singing group in the late 70's early 80's and made two albums, i would love to have them on cd...

  4. That's what I've always called them. I can remember having them as a kid and now my daughter gets them if she plays outside in the dirt for a while. "Granny Beads" because it looks like a necklace a granny would wear.


  5. Brody has been such a little trooper during his battle with cancer... I pray that God will touch his little mind as well as his body. I also am praying for his mom, dad and brother. They are all believers and their faith has been so strong during this time. they need all the prayers they can get.

  6. I received information today about Upward Soccer at Fortified Hills Baptist Church on East Paulding Drive, that they are looking for more girls ages 3rd - 5th grade to participate in the Upward Program.


    This is a great program, we participated last year, and will be doing so again this year. If you are interested, just go to Fortified Hills Baptist Church's website and click on the "Upward" link.



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