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Posts posted by flossy

  1. Pretty boring until July! Then we have 3 camps! the first week in July is a church camp, the 2nd week in July is a church camp in Myrtle Beach and then the last week in July is Theater Camp at the Dallas Theater!!!!!


    I will probably be taking off a day here or there to spend with DD during the summer so she doesn't have to spend EVERY day with the grand parents, and we'll probably hang out at the pool. We will do our ONE trip to Six Flags, but other than that, which ever way the wind blows is probably how we will plan!

  2. I say every outlet that wishes to should be allowed to sell any type of alcoholic beverage any time of the day or night and every day of the week. Otherwise we really don't live in a free society. No one is going to force a Baptist into a store to buy alcohol. It's been my experience that Baptists are going to drink and smoke and engage in acts of "sin" regardless, they just don't want anyone to know about it.


    I love your posts!!!!! :drinks:

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