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About fire911

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/27/1961

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  • Place of Residence
    East Paulding

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  • Location
    New Hope

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  1. I have noticed some activity in the old Captain Eddie's building. Anybody know what is going on over there? New restaurant maybe???? Sounds like CC needs to do some investigating...
  2. Would love to build in New Hope on about 5-10 acres. Hiram would be okay. Not having much luck finding any land in that area. Don't want to go toward North Paulding as that would take us farther away from work. Looking about 2500-3000 sq. ft. single story. Getting older and don't want to have to deal with stairs if we don't have to. What else to do need CC ?
  3. I"am hopeing to build my forever home this year.Can anyone recommend a good / honest home builder ?
  4. I wonder if they will let us older more responsible adults go back to "crusin" like we did back in the day.Just sayin.......
  5. Awesome pics.We saw Chihuly Exhibit when it was in the Bahamas and again at the Botanical Gardens.It was beautiful.I hope to get back out to the Gardens before it turns cold this year.Looks like they have new stuff that I have not seen yet.
  6. It is really starting to look like the REAL Paulding.Com is back !!!.New and improved I might add.I have really missed you guy's.I would jump on here every time I passed my computer in the old days and when things got crazy on here I just passed on by and went on about my business.Have to say I got a lot more done around the house.But looks like I need to slow back down and spend some more time with you guy's again.I really miss how everybody got together and shared information or if someone was in need everyone got together and helped to get them what they needed.We all pulled together as one
  7. Well said.I applaud you sir.Both of you.
  8. Don't you think this should have been moved to the political forum about 3 pages ago ?
  9. I guess he was a Cobb County Fireman?They had quite a drive back in those days....
  10. I lived at Mt.Tabor and Dragstrip ( now called East Paulding ).I heard it and just thought it was thunder as I knew we had storms in the area.My sister called and told me to turn on the T.V. My dad had left shortly before the crash to go visit friends in New Hope as he did everyday as they like to sit around and " have men talk" ( he was in his 60's ) so we were worried about him and we went to check on him.Thank God he was ok.My brother lived directly across from the volunteer fire station and was a fireman at the time and was one of the first to respond.He does not like to talk about it.I re
  11. So glad to see you posting again.Have not seen a lot of you posts for a while.You always had such good info and P.com needs all we can get right now. Now if we can get a few of the other old members back in here it might get back like the old days.lol
  12. Did you know they used that resturant in a Robert Redford movie a while back?I think it was "A walk in the Woods or something like that with Nick Nolte.
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