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Posts posted by usarmysis

  1. I'm afraid to watch the movies because the books were so good. Don't want to ruin it for myself.



    I was so excited when I found out that the movies were being made,because I loved the books,but was so disappointed because the movies were so different from the books.The movies would have been good if I hadn't already read the books though!

  2. More than likely it is an off duty job that the county allows them to drive the car for. I worked in a jewlery store that the SO worked at as off duty to help with their bills since they don't make very much money at their job. The county does not pay for it the company that needs the security does.



    Yep,he's just working an extra job,getting paid by the place needing security.My hubby does this as well.

  3. May be we can arrange for your hubby to try mine.... But onlt try.... I'm not letting mine out of my sight!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:



    :lol: :lol:

    I'm gonna go on ebay right now and look them up.His birthday is right after christmas,so it would make a great present.He's in pain every day and the only other option for him is to have some joints fused in his foot and either a knee replacement or fusion.Either one I'd like to put off alittle longer if I can!Maybe this will help.Thank mizcue!

  4. it's fend for yourself night at the dub family household.

    molly had a popsicle.

    i'm having a phenagren.

    don't know what chris is having.


    Ick,I was on Phenegren while I was pregnant.It really helped....by knocking me out!

    I hope you feel better soon ;)

  5. What a pretty great niece she is!! :D :wub:


    Why thank you auntie :D


    She's a doll. :)

    I see a little bit of her grandma in her. ;)



    :) Thank you very much! :)




    heck no, he gets no credit here. :p :p :p


    If you re-read my post I said that she takes after your side of the family some.... So she got it from Brooke and her dad. :p :p :p :p I can share credit for it. :lol: :lol:



    ok ok,you get SOME credit....(like you would have wanted any credit if she had turned out not so pretty) :p

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