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Posts posted by usarmysis

  1. Well he shouldn't be too mad at least your admitting it and trying to get it fixed.


    Tell him at least you didn't leave your digital camera, $600 value, on a table at the company Christmas party and not remember it until weeks later when I was looking for it and found it missing. <_<



    My husband thinks I can do no wrong...even after I fried a laptop,a brand new Mac keyboard,and a computer...all on separate occasions.I'm afraid my lucks run out this time ^_^ I make some expensive mistakes :rolleyes:


    Check the web site of whoever made it.


    I was able to send my olympus in to be worked on. They usually charge a flat fee no matter what is wrong.


    If you do that, make sure you take off the strap and memory card before shipping it. You may not get it back.




    Thanks,I will!

  2. I'll just say this... NOT GOOD!!! This means no pics of Little Beauty til you get it fixed. :(


    Wish I had something good for ya... nuttin', though. :(


    I know :nea: O can't imagine going a day w/out taking some shots of her :(

    Is it a large lithium battery? Take it out and charge it first. Then try again.

    It's just rechargeable AA's...I'll try some fresh ones!

  3. I'm so sorry. Call Wolf? I dunno? Lay hands on it and pray?

    I've been praying ever since I dropped it :p


    Check your warranty.


    That's one reason I'm worried...I have no idea if it HAS a warranty or if hubby even knows where the receipt is :o


    I knew what you were gonna say before I even opened the thread! I don't have any advice but I know how you feel. I hope you find someone who can fix it.


    Thank you :wub:


    Open the battery door --- remove the batteries...give the camera a little thump and put them back in.... :pardon:


    (I actually had a friend fix one that way....)



    I had to try that is soon as I read this!





    It didn't work :(


    Wolf is the only place I trust to work on mine.


    That's where hubby bought it so I guess we'd take it there to be looked at.




    If ya'll remember I had my camera fall while on the tripod in November. It will not focus, etc. It was NO cheapie either and since I sell on ebay and have a son who I need to take pictures of on stage, I literally was physically ill!!!!!Sorry Mrs.Apple. I feel your pain!!!!! Good Luck.


    That's how I feel...I'm no pro but I do use my camera for some income and I feel SICK!



    I am so very sorry.

    Starting prayer meeting now!



    Much appreciated!



    Right now all it does when I take the batteries out and pop them back in is (in the off position) fires rapidly for a few seconds and then nothing else.Nothing happens when I turn it on.

  4. I dropped my camera...







    It's no longer turning on....







    For one,my husband will kill me as this is no cheapo camera...and even if he allowed me to live,I'd die without my camera :closedeyes:




    Anyone know of a good camera repair place?Somewhere that won't charge as much as we paid for the camera originally?







    HELP ME!!!I'm worried sick over this :(


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