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Posts posted by pokadot

  1. My prayers for this family... how proud you must be of your son for all his accomplishments...


    how true this is....he must have been a remarkable young man....the kind that made change in other people's lives, what a blessing as parents to have such a son...my prayers is that God cover you with his love and grace and give you comfort, strength, and peace...when we are our at our weakest, he is at his greatest...when we can't, he can...God watch over and meet every need....

  2. Scalini's Italian restaurant is excellent and I heard they have a sister store called Provini's in Douglasville.


    the food here is wonderful, they have been in business forever and its family owned......mmmmmmmm

  3. I have two kids, both honor grads (oldest had a 4.0 at UGA, while working a job....was offered a four year ride to Mercer) the youngest will graduate in May with a BS and is going right on through summer to Masters.....raised by a single parent on a single income these kids were told from a young age there was NO option...they would get an education, no exceptions....the oldest graduated last May (he will go back to futher his education as she is) after 5 years he did not owe a dime....they knew they had to work not only to maintain the grade...but to do well....there are no free rides....as a parent I am not only extremely proud but I usually lay down at night and sleep without worry for what they were doing, or what would become of them......parents help make the way by putting forth expectations....I have found that to be more important than money....if there's a will there will be a way

  4. I had 3 disc in the lumbar area rupture, had foot drop for months and had some permanent nerve damage....seen about 7 specialist so I have had some back trouble....get the MRI to confirm the diagnosis, see a neurologist (not an orthopedic...they are good at broken bones....for a back problem thats serious see a neurologist)...ice the lumbar area, 20 minnutes on and 15 off stay off your feet and the best way to rest the back is on the back with pillow(s) under the knees up to a 90 degree angle this helps to open the areas between the spinal processess and take pressure off the affected nerve (you can also lay on your side and pull knees up toward chest and place a pillow between knees, anti-inflamatories such as naproxyen ( 2 over the counter aleve every 8 hours untill the doc gives meds) if its an acute flair-up I would ask my doc about exercise to strengthen the back and stomach muscles...your weight and posture has a real affect on a healthy back.....on the upside with all the back problems I had I never had surgery...I try to stay in good shape and I go about my business, can even play tennis I did use a TENS unit and did have some acupuncture during some of the treatment... I wish you the most luck, try not to get to discouraged

  5. bless your heart....I am sorry for your loss, and appreciate your sharing ....sounds like your father was a wonderful man....some say the best thing about our lives are the things we leave behind....like children, or influence, or kind deeds and words of wisdom told and remembered, I hope your memories make you smile and know your daddy will always be in your heart.....you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers

  6. Increased benefits costs to businesses (and ultimately to consumers) and entitlement costs to taxpayers.

    my thoughts also....sexual orientation does not need to be a public issue.....what ever you are keep it personal and afford your expenses on your own....I feel this is the only reason for making a public statment...the ultimate end results is to get the cost of a gay union covered....insurance, taxes, disability (the list is long)

  7. my oldest went to UGA for 3 years held a

    4.0 transfered to UWG and loved it....said it was a world of differance in the ability to obtain personal contact....the youngest will be going in the fall (after graduation in May with BS) to get Masters....I know alot of kids who went to UWG and liked it...it also has alot to do with what your course of study is.....best of luck!

  8. heartbreaking....my heartfelt condolances....he leaves a legacy of honor and courage for his sacriface to this nation and its people....prayers that God's love, grace and mercy keep this family....I am so sorry....please know he is appreciated and will be remembered

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