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Posts posted by pokadot

  1. Okay, maybe not 47 million but you get the idea. I don't know if you can recycle them or if anyone is in need, ( :lol: ). No these aren't the "lost sex tapes" (they are in the safe :lol: kidding!!!) just lots of barney & stuff. I'm sick of having them and don't want them! Any ideas?

    I know the west ga libary systems accept donations

  2. Another thing you may try is CHANTIX a new drug. You have to get it through your doctor. My wife who has smoked since she was a teenager and just turned 71 has been smokeless now since July 4th. Check it out.

    i have read this med works by "short-circuting" receptors (like a stroke patient who no longer remembers there ever was a smoke habit) first of this kind...and not one person that I have talked to that used this med didn't do well and like the change, very few side effects from what I have read and what people have told me....

  3. I also heard putting a hair dryer on it for a few minutes will help.

    I've heard this also, they also make an otc product for ear pain (located where the swim drops, wax removal, etc stuff is...it an ear ache drop to relieve pain and I have been told it works well....good luck and feel better quick

  4. congradulations!!!! the best thing ever is the insight a child can bring to you, enjoy every, yes every minnute of it starting now...and any and every childbirth class you can go to, you get to make lots of new friends who are at the same place you are...and all the info you can get makes the entire time (from now till, well you should never stop learning) so much more enjoyable....the classes (childbirth, nutrition, caring for, new parents...too many to even list) are so very valuable and may give you insight and make you more comfortable and at ease to enjoy this wonder more!!!

  5. the welstar system did offer this as a community service (770-445-4411) my son took the course, 8 hours, on a saturday...lowers ins rates 15% (he graduated from college a few weeks ago, so its been a while) but I think they still have it, its really a defensive driving course and I don't know if it meets the requirements for your needs...but it was a good thing for all would be drivers (he had to take it for the same reason he had to change a tire or change the oil before he could drive...accountibility) anyway give them a call it was cheap too!

  6. the only uplifting thing I can say is when its done, the education (especially in an area such as the one she has picked) is well worth the struggle...my son graduated in may, and my youngest has one more year (single parrent also).....you may get discouraged...but hang in there, there is a brighter day down the road

  7. I was on 2 pills per day for 10 days which made me forget some things. I probably forgot I was supposed to smoke

    recent studies show thst stroke patients really do "forget" that they smoke.....a friend of mine had the shot several years ago, not painful...did need a driver home, slept the day away.....stayed quit for about 2 months....research also shows some people quit more than one time beffore they "stop" smoking.......good luck !!!! you can do it !!!

  8. I didn't say we should go out of our way to inflict pain on 'em, or torture 'em......but isn't inflicting death SUPPOSED to hurt a bit?

    he shot his family, I wonder does a shotgun blast (up close) hurt? seems to me if they were shot (firing squad maybe) it wouldn't have time to hurt....soooo much more cost effective than 20 plus years of appeals to finally get an injection....what a waste


    the fourth today I'd like to add....

  9. I have read all of the books by James Patterson, he is my favorite. Jack and Jill was awesome! I just finished the trilogy by Nora Roberts... wonderful, especially on audio. I listen to about a book a week that I get from the New Georgia library. Awesome way to get to hear a book since I have no time to actually read a book now a days.

    midnight in the garden of good and evil on audio is fantastic! really great delivery....one of the best audio's I've heard....

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