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Posts posted by weesa

  1. My brother just called and informed us that his SIL. was found dead this morning by his MIL. they are very devestated. and in need of some prayer.

    The investigation is still underway, so the details are a little sketchy, but I will let you guys know when I hear the details..

    I do know it was here in Paulding.

  2. As many of you know I am my 94 year old invalid mother's primary care giver.


    Last evening as I was getting her ready for bed she suffered a mild stroke. The no response and no motor skills partially returned as got to the hospital and into the ER.


    The speech is very slurred and her understanding of what is going on is very foggy. She is combative to some and non responsive to others. It doesn't help that she is very deaf even with her hearing aids.


    My wife and I spent all night sleeping on the floor and in the 1 chair in the room. At least we were in a room. The halls were lined with folks and the place was very busy.


    Sorry I won't be at my portrait studio today but I have something else to take care of.


    Thanks for your prayers, Nicholas Cole - Photographer

    prayers said, for a speedy recovery..

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