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Posts posted by nschur

  1. I would take


    Snow White - I would be lost without her.

    Tow - because he is my bro and I never tire of digging at him

    Cops Chick - somebody has to keep Tow in check and she is fun

    Madea - always the voice of reason

    TBAR - I would always know where the snakes are

    WT - I just gotta see how he would react to being stuck on an island withme and Tow. :lol:


  2. I have always said if a family or friend call 911 because they need to and the time it takes to get there is long I will backtrack and listen to hear if someone called them to a BS called that played in the delay and go find that person and have a long chat about what happens when they do that..... by the end they may really need 911. <_>


    One of the things that gets me in this regard is people failing to yield to the fire truck. I always think... It sure would be ironic if it was your house that was on fire or your family member that was having the heart attack. <_>




    Union Mom

    Or should we move on to parity?


    Ok, what is you take and to what parity do you refer?



  3. In this county I know there are WAY to many BS calls. WAY to many. Everyone should listen to the scanner for a little while just to hear them....I know I was shocked and it is scarey to me that someone may really need one and could be delayed because of all the people who use Rescue/Ambulance as a taxie service or a just tell me I am OK service. Calls to help move from a chair in the living room to the bedroom, cut finger dang you could go on and on. People need to learn what Rescue/Amb. is for.


    Preach on sister Solo. B) I think that most of the Paulding residents are "spoiled". I do not mean that negatively but relatively. They moved here from counties like Cobb to get away from all the traffic and such. But at the same time they "expect" the same service from a county that does not have the infrastructure nor the tax base. Kinda crazy if you ask me. I know that if my home catches on fire here, it will most likely be a total loss. I do expect the county to do its best to salvage everything possible, but I do not have high hopes. I believe the crews here will do their best but there just is not a whole bunch that that few people can do. I would hate to see a single fire fighter get hurt just trying to save my stuff. Most things can be replaced. Human life can not.

  4. There is little doubt as to where my kiddos are going. I live at Hendrix & Austin bridge. I loved Ritch and Ms. Dobbs is a great Principal. She has worked so hard with us and Dis jr. I am happy that she is going to Hutchins. I am VERY concerned about the local traffic. The school is on a dead end tertiary rd off a secondary rd. They will have to put up a red light somewhere. and the roads are small. But they are 200% better than when we moved in 6 years ago.


    I have been thinking also of the playground. Most of the schools are built without a playground. These are funded by donations and fund raising through the PTA. I would like to find a way of getting a head start on this. I have put a call in to Ms. Dobbs to discuss it. I believe it is very important for the kids to have a structured play are to blow off steam. Especially the boys. ;)

  5. As far as I understand the fire tax issue is the following. Prior to the tax the FD got its' funding from the M&O part of the county budget. That was about $5 million / year. The fire tax was sold as an addition to the M&O budget to help beef up the dept. The fire tax went into effect and brought in about $5 million. The county promptly discontinued funding for FD to the tune of $5 million from M&O. As far as the staffing and EMS portion goes. I believe all of Paulding's Fire Fighters are EMT or better. The fire taxes have allowed the addition of about 21 people. I think. Some are admin. Remember though that Paulding just opened station # 10. That takes a minimum of 3 people to staff with just 1 person on 24/ 7. They want to open #11, again 3 people. My feelings on this are simple. Paulding needs to quit wasting money building new stations and spreading out their resources. I feel it would be better to take the $ for the new station and apparatus and hire more people. About $1.5 million for a new station and truck would fund 6 FF for 5 years at $50,000 / year each. By the time you add in employee benefits, that is not far fetched. I know it is nice to have a station around the corner but it does not help if it only has 1 person in it. better to arrive with enough crew a little slower than to arrive short and just sit there watching a house burn up. Paulding's ISO rating is a 6 with 9 in some areas. I posted before about this. The ISO rating is what the ins. co. use to determine risk and rates. There is a lot that goes into the ratings. Staffing, response time, apparatus type and even the water system is included. It takes years to buld up an ISO rating. It won't happen overnight.

  6. I know you can't do anything about it, silly. :lol:




    Hey, just for giggles ... lets change this to a discussion of screwed up dispatches. :D



    Troublemaker? Me?


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You want them alphabetically or numerically? :rolleyes:


    My favorite of all time while working Acwrth PD. This was when the interstate exits were numbered and didn't go by miles.


    Disp. - Baker 2


    Baker 2


    Disp. - Can you be in route to hwy 92 and 120 to meet with Bartow Co. ?


    Baker 2 - Uhmm.. yeah I can, Could you please advise why I am going to Paulding Co. to meet with Bartow Co.


    Disp. - stand by one


    Disp.- Baker 2, that would be meet with Bartow Co at Hwy 92 and Exit 120.


    Baker 2 - Confirming now that I am to meet with Bartow Co in Cherokee Co.?


    Disp. - Stand by one.


    Disp. - Baker 2 Bartow advises that They are on I-75 S just Before exit 120.


    Baker 2. - Enroute to meet with Bartow Co in Bartow Co on 75 south.


    :rolleyes: :lol:



  7. See, that just seems crazy to me.


    It is but we work with what is given and follow protocol. Here is an example, lil Johnny falls and breaks his arm. This is a basic call. An Engine and an Ab. will respond. Most likely Eng will arrive first especially to the outlying areas. Eng. crew will asses the pt. and splint / dress wounds. By this time hopefully the Amb. has arrived on scene. The pt. will be turned over to them for transport to the hospital. Engine crew is back in service while the Amb. is only out of service long enough for transport. Scenerio #2, Granny has the flu. Calls 911 and says "I'm sick and need to go to the hospital". Prescreening by dispatch automatically asks if she is having difficulty breathing. She says yes. I t does not matter that the diff. is because she has a cough, the fact remains the call is now ALS. Engine and Rescue are sent with an Amb. Fire crews again arrive 1st and asses pt. Now in this case the Engine would assess the pt. determine that it is likely the flu and the Diff. breathing is cough related and not cardiac. They would then cancel the rescue and wait for the amb. It is the way the county takes care of the citizens. We contract out the amb. to save the citizens money. Yes there is a lot of abuse but that is the system.


    If the counties like Paulding really wanted to make a big difference, they would take their patrol officers and cross train them as FF / EMS. Not just first responders. That way all officerswould have Bunker Gear and training along with already being on the road. They could then go to house fires in the cruiser and assist the few dedicated fire crews on duty. Littl off topic but just a thought I have been playing with.

  8. If the county is having to supplement the response, the private company is not providing a quality service, in my opinion. The private companies back home (who only do private/voluntary/long distance transports from facility to facility) have licensed medics on them. Why don't the units down here?


    If the county is already having to supplement, what's wrong with adding a govt. run volunteer rescue staff? They'd be supplemented by tax dollars but would operate primarily off of private donations.


    Don't get me wrong ... I'm not saying a conversion has to happen. I'm not saying that this is the time for any changes. Just trying to discuss it and better understand it.


    The Amb. crews have at least 1 paramedic also. The fact remains that more times than not the fire crews will beat the ambulance in to the call. Not trying to sound upity but Cobb really goes all out for the citizens and strives for the best care possible for the best return on investment and resources. Cobb has an oustanding EMS / Fire / Police Dept. We also do not use volunteers. Most likely due to liability issues. We have a ISO rating of 3 and would not jeopardize it.


  9. I would like to add that a 311 system needs to be implemented. That is a line to call in strictly for an ambulance to respond to. There are many calls that come in where someone is pregnant, has the flu or other minor non life threatening issue that can be handled full well by an ambulance responding at flow of traffic or maybe a slower emergency response. When you take a $300,000 fire engine that weighs about 50,000 lbs and run it down the road emergency to these calls, you are placing a bunch of people and assets at risk. Not just the fire crews. Cobb has implemented a non emergency call response plan now but we still go whenever an ambulance is called. You should see the faces of the folks sometimes. 1st engine 4 guys, rescue 2 and then an abulance with 2, now you got a room full of folks. :rolleyes: :lol:

  10. But the question that I have is ... why is the county still running the med units on calls?


    The Med units have at least 1 Paramedic onboard. Whenever Cobb determines a call to be Advanced life support (ALS) 1 engine / truck plus 1 rescue / Med unit will respond unless the 1st due engine is itself ALS as with Engine #17. That way the citizenry is garunteed at least one paramedic onscene early because sometimes the ambulance crews can be far away. You can not predict when a spurt of calls will totally deplete an areas ambulance numbers. that is another reason we contract out. The comp. have more units they can move around to cover holes.


  11. I'm certainly no expert and this may not be the case, but we had some difficulty with our groups first two recordings. The producer for the last two CD's explained that the information on the older CD's was "burned" and many of the newer CD players wouldn't play them. The last two CD's we recorded had the music information "pressed" onto disc and we never had a complaint after that.


    My guess is that was the case with the older CD you purchsed. Strange but true.


    I know what your talking about with the Data Format. This was not the case today though. The player was just unable to "grab" the disc and place it inside the player. Neither disc made it all the way into the player. Just like they were too slick, maybe even too thin, to grab. Weird huh?

  12. Cobb contracts out their amb. service depending on which party of the county the calls come into. In the past the philsophy has been that it is better to pay a dedicated group for this rather than trying to staff, place and purchase the equipment. The amb. services work privately within the county as well, but are required to maintain a minimum level at a given response time %. We were told yesterday that the current rescue units will have the extrication tools removed and the trucks converted to Amb type in the near future. We have already taken some out of service and converted them to Med units. That is they are a Ford Expedition with two personel and medical supplies on board. The rescue tools and such will be moved to some Engines and Trucks. I am not sure where this is going but I doubt we will do all of our own transport. We would need too many people and trucks to do that. Plus it is a waste to put a Fire Fighter on an Amb. You are losing valuable skill resources by doing that or adding a whole new class of personel. I can understand the conversion to smaller more fuel efficent and less costly equipment. The Rescues run a lot but never seem to get anywhere.

  13. It really doesn't make any sense though because they aren't making the product it shouldn't matter where you but it. I have noticed lately I have and more issues with games, DVDs and CDs in general no matter where I buy them from.


    In the old days this rack would have been the "cut" rack. Generally older music that they are trying to get rid of at low prices. The cardboard sleaved stuff is the weird thing. It is apparently new production and not left overs they are trying to move. I guess that not only are they saving $$ on the sleave, they must be taking low quality production pieces too.


  14. My thoughts exactly. And legal or not, it's still prostitution.


    I'll say this, (ladies nothing bad meant here) since the women of the world control all the ______ and half the money, prostitution has always been a factor in life. Whether a "lady" admits it or not is a different story. It might be as simple as not until you fix the sink all the way up to I want a new car. The fact is that it happens all the time but the compensation is not always monetary. ;)


  15. I went to WM this morning. While there I saw some inexpensive older CD's. I thought I would try a Genesis CD for $7. What a deal. Went out to my truck, I have never had a problem with the player, and it would not take it in. Seemed as though the drivers were trying but they could not grip the disc. Ok, take it back since I was still there. Swapped it for the same disc. Back out to truck, same problem. Went back in and returned it no problem. All my other discs worked, the new disc from Alabama worked. The only difference was that the Genesis disc came inside a cheap cardboard case. I do not get it. :huh: :wacko: :blink: Anyone else have problems with this?

  16. Some areas of Nevada have legalized brothels. She is affiliated with / through one of them so it is legal. Expensive but legal. :rolleyes: I'm torn on this one though. Pre marital coitous is frowned upon in the bible, but people do it everyday. So if "your " morals allow for this then why not sell this... ahem... commodity. :rolleyes:

  17. MY pet peeve is at all the intersections, where a wreck has oocured... and instead of the state, county or whom ever is cleaning the wreck up, they sweep all the glass, and what knots that are left from the wreck in the little are close to the red lights or stop signs, instead of taking a shovel and getting it up they just sweep it all in the cross walk or on side of the road..


    looks trashy, and is dangerous..... the next time you are stopped at red light or a stop sign look at all the pieces of glass, nails, I have even seen side veiw mirrors, why can't they just sweep it up instead of sweeping it to the middle of the intersection?



    Just so you know... The wrecker driver is to clean up the debris. That does not stop us in Cobb from sweeping, shoveling, hosing or just plain old picking stuff up. I have spent a bunch of time doing all of these things, usually while waiting for the wrecker. Of course if there were no injuries the FD would not be called unless PD made a request for a "wash down" \. We are there to make the road safe again not clean it up. ;) But we do what we can.

  18. You know... tis curious. It got my curiosity up when I saw 2 pages after an invite to the womens forum. What is with all the "lost password stuff"? You guys sound like SW when I ask her what she did with the checkbook. SHEEESH :rolleyes:


    ====Runnin out of hear while I still have whats left of my A$$==== :lol:

  19. Technically, they would be charged with illegal lane change. In the real world though, you have the issue of proof.


    Tis true. Plus 1 count for each lane they cross. So if there were 4 travel lanes and the started in the far left and went to the far right, it would be 3 counts of illegal lane change. ;)


    As with all of this, these are the criminal part of traffic. If you took said offender to civil court, the outcome might be vastly different. ;)


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