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The Sound Guy

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Posts posted by The Sound Guy

  1. chirp chirp crickets crickets???


    I'd also like some real debate also instead of GOPR's almost snappy comebacks. I really don't know who I'm going to vote for. I want to hear Barnett speak, but he missed the PBA/Pcom meet and greet and I missed the GOP one. Anyone know if their is another M&G planned anywhere?


    if not, then I guess we're going to have to wait until the disclosures come out Whitey to figure out who's who.


    But I'd still like to know if that was a real press release or a hoax.

  2. Yes, I believe the county runs on peanuts and cracker jacks. Stupid question, gets stupid response. Anything else?


    Well, well, well. Touchy are we?


    No, that was the rhetorical question, the response I'm looking for is some explanation of your comment that I'm "out of touch".


    Care to get into details GOPR, or would you prefer to stay with your one liners?


    It's On!


    Sound Guy has been writing a post for this thread for the last 30 minutes.
    Grand-standing? Like two candidates standing up and announcing in unison that they'll donate their salaries to the county if elected?
    A liberal calling another person a liberal for wanting the tax-rate cut. I've seen it all now. :rofl:
    Whitey, you're not in charge of paulding county. Go to bed. :yahoo:


    I don't need facts to disagree with pure speculation.
    Sounds like one big pity party for the $50+ mil dollar county budget. :cray: Poor budget. Maybe we can get our kids to set up lemonade stands to raise money and give it to the county? Talk about out of touch.
    Keep the change? You mean the $24k that the Austin backed candidates of Barnett and Pownall suggested last week? Boy that's really going to help taxpayers in 2011. :lol: :lol: :lol:
    What did I say?


    Come on, the major complaint in this forum is that no one will debate. Well, I'm still undecided in this race. If Jason is your boy, convince me why I should vote for him. Let's hear it.

  3. "Out of touch"? Care to expand on that? Just how am I "out of touch" Or do you believe the county government runs on peanuts and cracker jacks? :huh:


    I've been through a 15% wage cut, it was no fun for our budget and doubt it has been fun for David. Since Jerry and crew would have been happy to raise the rates under the pretense that "taxes are not being increased" I was amazed and happy that David looked at cutting the budget *first*.


    Hey, GOPR, still waiting for a response.

  4. I would prefer to vote on the SPLOST after the BOC has been elected. I can't help but remember how Jerry Shearin fooled the majority of the people into voting for the fire tax.


    <Sigh> I hate to admit it, but you have a point. That Fire tax boondoggle still chaps my butt.


    It begs the question, that since they didn't put the education SPLOST on this ballot, you have to wonder why they didn't delay this one until after the main primaries also. I believe they both expire about the same time next year.


    Of course, I'd put money down that this is *just* like the bond, if it fails this time, we will see it again, since it doesn't actually expire until sometime next year, March I think.

  5. Sounds like one big pity party for the $50+ mil dollar county budget. :cray: Poor budget. Maybe we can get our kids to set up lemonade stands to raise money and give it to the county? Talk about out of touch.


    "Out of touch"? Care to expand on that? Just how am I "out of touch" Or do you believe the county government runs on peanuts and cracker jacks? :huh:


    I've been through a 15% wage cut, it was no fun for our budget and doubt it has been fun for David. Since Jerry and crew would have been happy to raise the rates under the pretense that "taxes are not being increased" I was amazed and happy that David looked at cutting the budget *first*.

  6. Cut property tax rate to help grow local economy,

    oppose wasteful spending and public safety cuts,

    and lower dependence on residents for revenue.


    - Jason Anavitarte


    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:


    I do not want another spineless "yes" man on the county commission,

    a new good old local backscratching network of entrenched interests.


    I want someone who is willing to make tough choices and

    stand up for the hardworking taxpayers of this county...


    My vote is for JASON ANAVITARTE !!!


    We also don't need spineless party line followers that are not looking out for the good of the county, but trying to buy votes. IMO, standing up for the taxpayers means making sure we have adequate services we need now and planning for the future, not just minimizing taxes at the expense of everything else.


    Whether we like it or not, those roads we use, the Fire and Police departments, Animal control, all take money to run. It costs money to do the planning and get permits for the Reservoir that is desperately needed.


    We need someone who will balance priorities of needs within the county.


    Lets look at your quote above:


    Cut property tax rate to help grow local economy,

    oppose wasteful spending and public safety cuts,

    and lower dependence on residents for revenue.


    Seems to be a double mouth full of nothing to me. Every candidate who ever ran has been opposed to "wasteful spending". Of course, most will not tell you just what they consider "wasteful" The devil is in the details. After 10 million in cuts, I suspect their is not a lot of "waste" in the budget.


    Most candidates are all for supporting Police and Fire and Public Safety. Since he is supporting no cuts in PS, I guess that means that there is no "waste" in the Public Safety offices? So where else is all this tax cut money coming from?


    I especially like the last one, "lower dependence on residents for revenue." LOL. Good grief, in the end all of us are paying the taxes no matter where it come from, I thought you understood that, are you not one of the Fair tax supporters?


    That quote above ranks right up there with Pres Obama's "Hope and Change" slogans.

  7. Grand-standing? Like two candidates standing up and announcing in unison that they'll donate their salaries to the county if elected?


    Yes, in a way, but at least their grandstand wasn't an attack on the current BOC.


    I don't understand it, none of those running are incumbents, why attack a $10,000,000 tax cut by saying it should be $10,500,000? What's the point?


    David has proven to me that he does want to balance the needs of the county with conservative values. I want someone who will work with him on that.

  8. Just spending some time trying to find this "press release" on line. I also try to re-read my posts a lot, in the past I've posted some stupid things by over reacting and posting too quick. 8)



    Anavitarte Calls for Budget Cuts and Reinstatement of Prior Year’s Tax Rate


    for All Paulding County Property Owners


    Jason Anavitarte, Republican Candidate for Paulding County Commission Post 4, has called on the Paulding County Commission to cut an additional $500,000 from its proposed 2011 budget. This will allow the current property tax mill-rate of 6.65 to return to 6.50, where it was prior to the Board of Commissioners raising it last summer.


    Anybody else get this? I can't find it on-line. I hope it's a hoax, or Mr Anavitarte has lost my vote in record time.


    That press release is one of the most worthless things I've read in a while and since I'm on here a lot, that is saying something. :lol:


    David Austin has cut taxes both years he's been in office, the rate change last year was just trying to build up a little bit of reserve after Jerry wiped most of it out with his Courthouse bonds boondoggle. He has cut approx $10 million from the budget over the last two years and would have been within his rights to raise the millage rate to keep the same tax revenue level, but instead took the hard road and did cut the budget. On top of that, he has had to deal with the costs of the massive flooding last year. All that overtime for the PCSO and DOT had to come from somewhere.


    In my opinion, if this is a true release, Jason has just shown himself to be a grand stander, the last thing this county needs. Also, I think it shows he would not hesitate to stab David and the other BOC members in the back when he saw it to his advantage. We do not need in fighting on the BOC, we need commissioners working TOGETHER towards *practical* solutions.


    I'm not voting early because I want to see the donation reports for the candidates. But if this was indeed a true press release, Jason will not even be an option for me.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm not one of those who feels that the sales tax is the fairest tax of all, but it is a tax that does belong in the mix. The yes vote is for a continuation of the SPLOST ... it is not a new tax and, given it would be nearly a year after the vote that the tax would finally be removed if it goes down to defeat, means that it is not an instantaneous thing. I.e. you vote against it things won't change - taxes won't go down - for nearly a year.


    I'm for it. I trust the folks at the county to spend it well.




    Let me get the calendar... Pubby and I agree on something. :rofl:


    But I will still watch how the county spends it.. don't know I trust them *that* much.

  10. I think summer, outside and Father's Day weekend makes for not a good choice of an event date. Especially the holiday weekend. Maybe next time Paulding GOP will look at those things. Plus the advertising should have been much better.


    I really do not think Paulding is 90% republican.


    BTW: The airport is usable? (Yes, I am totally out of the loop on that!)


    Not to mention that June is a very popular wedding month. Perhaps Sat morning or Sunday afternoon would have been better.

  11. We had issues like you are describing, they came out three times to try to stop the loss of sync between the modem and the router.


    Whole house splitter, new modem, line wires trimmed, they did it all, but still had drop outs.


    After much effort I finally got them to change modem cards in the ATT box and it's been solid as a rock since.


    You might see if you can borrow someone's modem to confirm it's on your end before purchasing one.


    Good luck!

  12. OK, to focus on the writing and not the person I quote the following from the website under discussion, dated June 20th:


    <No link as I don't want any of the Popo aiming my way. :) If they want to add a link, then feel free.>


    My reason for covering Paulding County GOP and Conservative politics and issues is due to the fact that this county is largely republican and giving them and others republican news that was deficient in the county and to counter liberals and democrats.


    I love the assumption that anyone who says anything against the party leadership's views is automatically a liberal and/or Democrat. Sorry, I refuse to drink the cool aid of either side and will continuously question the party's leadership to make sure it meets *my* standards if it want's my vote and support. I have considered myself a Republican since I could vote 30 years ago and the Republicans in Congress and locally were NOT supporting my views 3 years ago, so I worked to get new ones. Now, some we got are closer to my views (David), others (Congress) are still out to lunch.


    <Sigh> I think the writer has hit the major issues with the political parties today, they are not continuing to question if their goals are the goals of the voters and adjusting when it is not, they feel they are the "leaders" and the sheep should follow and do as told. Sorry, ain't gonna happen with this voter.


    As far as "deficient" news, while there is a lot of hyperbole in comments on this site, there is a lot of good information also, dug up by people who care and want to get it out. If not for one of the GOP members on here, I wouldn't have seen the copy of the BOE budget and understood the issues they are having. (I looked but didn't see a link to it from the BOE front page) I wouldn't know about the changes at Animal control except that people who care about it reported that changes were in the wind. Since my daughter and her team just donated a huge pile of stuff to help the animals, I'd like to know what is changing there and why, Republican controlled or not.


    While some media outlets will allow political attacks at will, mainly pursued by the liberals and democrats in this county, this reporter will not engaged in such activities.


    He's got to be kidding. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  13. The SPLOST does not pay for salaries or maintenance. It is for capital expenses. As for ball parks, the SPLOST can pay to build one but it can not pay to maintain it. So what the taxpayer has to keep in mind is that building more and more assets could eventually lead to an increase the M&O budget in order to staff the upkeep of those assets.


    Capital Expenses or Expenditures are payments by a business for fixed assets, like buildings and equipment. Capital expenses are not used for ordinary day-to-day operating expenses of a business, like rent, utilities, insurance and salaries.


    It can also be used to update existing capital items,like replacing patrol cars,radio systems for LEO, adding lights to fields, replacing old maintenance equipment,etc which can actually reduce the manpower needed. I for one would like the SPLOST item to designate items that would reduce long term costs rather than allow shifting of the money to vote getting items after the vote, (See, I got you a new Park!!), but I guess I'm old enough to know I don't get everything I want.

  14. Fifth, if you so feel you can go over there and post.


    Does that mean that if the USA Today posts an article, we should never comment on it here? How about the AJC?


    Sorry, I have to disagree, this is a site for LOCAL discussion of whatever we wish to discuss, be it national news or a local blogger. Being local actually makes is more of a legit topic here, not less.


    I've been called on the carpet for comments I've posted here in the past and expect to be in the future if people disagree. It's the nature of the business. If the writer under discussion wishes to not be discussed, he should stop publishing his blog on line. Once it's on line and accessable to the general public, it's open season on it.




    In addition, CUT SPENDING. Why is that never an option. Is it possible that maybe our Government tried to grow too fast, why is that never an option? And no matter what this county will continue to burden property owners, look with SPLOST, property taxes still went up and the MIL did too.



    While you have some very good points, I disagree greatly with the above at least in the last two years.


    Before that, I would agree completely:


    Jerry and his "crew" (some of which i believe are running in this election) voted to spend every dime they could get.


    Lied to us about the fire tax to get a 2 mil general fund tax increase by pulling the fire support from the general fund the FIRST year after it passed.

    Used up the county reserves to pay the bonds on the courthouse THEY approved for the first year, so we wouldn't see it until *after* the last elections.

    Allowed the builders to overload the school system so it had no choice but to build and build and then worked for the homeowners of the county to pay the ENTIRE cost (The "BOND" ) for the profit that the builders made.

    Etc, etc, etc.


    The new commission voted in two years ago on the other hand and the current BOE *HAVE* cut spending.


    Last year David's budget cut spending by $6 million dollars, this year has cut it another $2.3 million dollars.


    The BOE has the same crunch and cut spending last year by $6 million and cut it this year by a huge $26 million dollars.


    Direct Property tax collected by the BOE for M&O dropped $5.5 million last year and almost $12 million this year. Direct

    Property tax collection for the county M&O dropped $1.4 million and 6.8 million this year.


    The BOE also only sold half the bonds that were approved, reducing the millage rate by half that we have to pay until the other half is needed.


    That is money staying in our pockets because they didn't raise millage rate this year to compensate for falling property values. See New Jersey for a government that doesn't know how to cut spending, I saw an article that one city there is raising it's millage rate by %26!!! Dang!


    Not that the SPLOST, LOST, and ELOST have been unaffected either. Revenue for those has dropped also. Other fees and taxes the county collects have dropped.


    The point is that the SPLOST, LOST and ELOST are also part of the budget, a large part, that everyone that shops in Paulding pays, not just the property owners. If it doesn't pass and the revenue from it drops to zero, there *will* be millage increases to compensate. I don't care WHO is in office at the time. It will happen. There just is not enough fat left in the budget, it's pretty much all meat.


    At least you have a choice on the SPLOST, LOST and ELOST. You can go somewhere else to buy. As long as you live here, you WILL be paying the property tax that Jerry and his crew left us with.

  16. David Barnett had stopped by the business meeting at lunch yesterday to let everyone know that he had to go to Alabama and did not expect to be back in time.


    He ask us to let anyone that ask to tell them that something had come up suddenly and it could not be avoided.


    OK, thanks. I'm sorry about it, he was the one I really wanted to hear speak.

  17. Against a tax during a down economy, does not seem like a bad idea to me.

    I guess we have to set priorities, food on the table or wider road.

    Plus, I heard Mr. Gregory say that he would fund public safety before

    any other dept. Why is it that we always use public safety when trying

    to support a tax. Does not the constitution say government should provide

    defense before anything? Shouldn't public safety be first by the BOC

    anyways? Typical tax arguement by trying to scare people. Just like the

    school board that threatened double session if we did not pass the bond.

    What happened, they raised school mil anyways.

    I don't believe any official that says pass this tax or else? Else still happens.

    Isn't funny that we thraten the stone age when government takes a pay

    cut but when businesses take a cut it is necessary. Sounds backwards to me.

    I'm voting for anyone whose looking to put for money in my pocket not the

    governments! That's PRO Business in my book!



    Between the BOC and the BOE's refusal to raise the millage rate when they have a 17% decrease in the tax base, you are already getting over a 15% tax break this year. However, part of the ability to reduce the budgets is the local option sales taxes. The SPLOST (paid by people when they spend money, not because they own a family house or farm) is paying for needed capital improvements that will have to be added to the budget if it is not passed. Have you driven on a county road lately? There are potholes EVERYWHERE. Repairs and improvements MUST be done if we are to attract badly needed businesses to the county and keep ourselves safe.


    Sorry, this is not a pay it or save it situation. This is a everyone pays it or just the Pauling property owners pay it situation. As one of those property owners, I have to say that I've had enough and do not want to see a 3-6 mil tax increase on my bill next year because these improvements have to done in the county/BOE budget.


    FYI - The 1% LOST alone paid nearly $400 of my county M&O taxes last year. Without the LOST and the SPLOST and the ELOST, we would be looking at over 9 mils higher taxes between the county budget and bond referendums. Do you really want that?



  18. Were you their? What did Donovan say that impressed you.


    I guess what hit me about Donovan was his discussions about his time on the street.


    I'm sure every investigator has had a case of his either not prosecuted or not prosecuted quickly enough to suit him/her. They have to think some time or another that they could do a better job. Donovan has the desire to go ahead and do it. It just seems to me that Donovan seemed more determined to get the cases done.


    Now, in Lane's defense, my wife was on the jury in one of those murder cases he mentioned and she said that they almost had to let the guy go, but it wasn't the prosecutor, it was errors by the GBI and sheriff's office in processing and missing evidence that caused a good bit of the problems with the case.


    Still, I'm concerned about the backlog of cases I still keep hearing about. And the 50 signs in front of the courthouse didn't help his case either.


    I was very disappointed that 2 of the four candidates for commission post 4 were not there. The two that were there just didn't impress me somehow. Reading your comments Whitey, I might have to agree that there were no solutions mentioned.


    We'll see. I'm not planning on voting soon, still time to change my mind. Hopefully there will be another M&G I can go to that I won't have to leave to pick up my daughter. :)

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