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shangri La

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Status Updates posted by shangri La

  1. Look how early I got up to stalk you!!

  2. Nothing wrong with an inquiring mind. :) ararararar (my Groucho laugh)

  3. I just saw where you stalked me. I have been stalked before...that stalk was HUGE. :)

  4. I had to climb over all of these people just to stalk you.

  5. stalk stalk stalk

  6. YOU have been BADGERED. mwahhahaha.

  7. you have been stalked. I learned how from Lady Tass.

  8. I love a stary night!

  9. Thanks Soapmom, you are the greatest!

  10. You make purdy footprints!

  11. Hang in there LB. You are loved!!!

  12. Star bumpin'. Hey LR!!!!!

  13. Stopped by to say hi!

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