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Posts posted by EAST PAULDING MOM

  1. I did not want this to be a gossip thread I was not married and pregnant at 21.. so I am not one to judge or would I...I know neither girl will need any financial assistance in any way and that the hard road is ahead of them both.. but they both have great support groups.

    Not insinuating this to be a gossip thread, just saying it's no one's business, but that of the pregnant girl's and their families. Period.

  2. I got married fresh out of high school, and had my son when I was 21 and we all lived to tell about it. My daughter graduated last year as well, now granted, she's not pregnant and its a little hard to consider anyone her age being pregnant but it happens all the time. I think being in a small town and the gossip mill that goes with it, somehow stretches the truth somewhat. I do not know what this girls plans are, maybe she is getting married, maybe she is going on to finish school, etc. It's not for us to judge, she's not our daughter. It does not automatically condemn her to being a bad mother, or a welfare case. Hard road, yeah, but alot of people make the best of it and live their lives and we should let her live hers without judgement from strangers or mere acquaintenances.

  3. I wouldn't trust Jiffy Lube to change a light bulb. <_<



    Agreed! Especially the one in Hiram!! Awful service, they did similar problem to my truck and would not take any responsiblility for it, offered me free oil changes, I told them where to stick their free oil changes! Will NEVER EVER GO BACK!

  4. So how does the O.P. know whether this is a "reputable" agency? Since there are so many "less than reputable" collection agencies; I suggest she treats them all like a band of pirates.


    Maybe you guys should police your industry a little better.



    I agree, this agency said it was the third to get this account. They said the first was an attorney, then another collection agency and now them, they identified themselves as Medical Revenue Bureau.....I don't know how reputable they are or not. I knew about the bill at one time, disputed part of the bill due to double billed for some shots my daughter was given, I was there, I know they only gave one, bill says three. Called the hospital who assured me they woulld take care of it. The insurance paid and i assumed that was the end of it till now. The bill is 5 years old. Guess I will be paying it!

  5. I don't think there is a limit...if you owe, you owe

    Try to set up payments..even a small amount, they will usu. take

    I offered $100/mo but they said they could not take that. They wanted to set up where the bill would be paid off in three months and I just can't afford to do that and the besides the bill is still disputed!

  6. Would anyone be interested in an Antique Dresser that needs some work?


    I inherited this dresser from my Grandparents but it has some history to it.


    It survived the 1927 Ewing Hotel Fire in Lawrenceville, GA.


    The middle drawer is missing but other than that, in decent shape.


    If interested, please PM me.

  7. Well, if he wants to find out about the drugs, you can buy an over the counter drug test, have her take the drug test as a requirement before she moves into the house with Dad again.


    If she fails, then he definitely knows she lying and the proof is right in front of him.

  8. We went on the levelized billing with Greystone after last month's $312 bill. This month and until we decide not to do levelized is $183. For now, we are very happy!


    Last year this time our bill was $603!

  9. First, CALM DOWN!! I am 35 and was in the SAME EXACT situation this Spring. I went to the Orientation and then they asked for the money THAT DAY. Then I went to financial aid CRYING. I was told that if you have a FASA(financial aid application) and you have been awarded or are awaiting aid then you have till right before school starts(sorry can't remember what it is exactly called Late Registration I think). Your money should not be due until around Aug. 12th BUT if you are awaiting financial aid then they will disburse it on Aug. 14th and then KSU will take out their $ and then you will get the rest through KSU One card so make sure you open it online.


    I suggest you call or go down to financial aid so that they know your entire situation and can make you feel rest assured. But I was in the same situation. I was told that I had the loans and they were guarenteed and the at Orientation they asked for payment I liked to freak and couldn't enjoy the day. Then financial aid told me what I told you.


    Hope that was helpful and you are feeling better.


    I hope you are right, but it wasn't KSU. My son goes to KSU and I have never had this problem with them, it goes exactly as you said. However, the school in Cartersville my daughter is going to specifically said in the financial aid office that the funds may not be available by the time school starts because of THEIR computer system and we would have to pay and wait to be reimbursed!

  10. Oh dayyyuumm are you serious.. Things sure have changed since I went to school.. what about the pell grant..

    That makes no sense.. to me.. they know the money is there.. WOW>>>>

    When I went to school which was ages ago it worked totally different..


    A Pell Grant is part of your FAFSA and basically unless you make less than 13k a year you will not get the Pell anymore.

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