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Posts posted by EAST PAULDING MOM

  1. The mother of the kittens is a multi colored tabby and I'm not sure of the father, other than he is very big and very fuzzy. Three of the kittens are definitely in the long hair family. Boys and girls in the bunch. I really need to find them homes quickly as my house is for sale and I can't have a bunch of kittens running around!

  2. My daughter was very nervous going into EPHS this past Fall as a Freshman.


    However, the Freshman academy was added and even has it's own cafeteria. She really doesn't see any upperclassmen during the day.


    Now that the year is almost over, she is soooo ready to be with the upperclassmen and out of the Freshman Academy.


    Don't be nervous.....look at is as a stepping stone....a new adventure...it will be great!

  3. I was not so worried when my son attended the EPHS prom at the History Center in Buckhead, as I was the after parties.


    Luckily, my son used his head and was not involved.


    In my neighborhood, there was an after party which was raided by the police.


    The next day, my neighbor informed me that they had rather let the kids drink in their house than for them to be out on the road!!! Can you believe that?? Needless to say, I informed her about contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and it was not HER choice to give MY kids or any other parents kids alcohol!!


    So parents, be aware, some of the parents out there do not have our children's best interest at heart.


    While I don't want mine out on the road drinking I will agree....my point....I don't want him drinking period!!

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