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Posts posted by EAST PAULDING MOM

  1. As a single mother whose husband passed away, I could do three months standing on my head! It's the opportunity of a lifetime....LET HIM GO....and put on your big girl panties and deal with it! I'm not trying to be ugly here, but it's not forever. It sounds like he has been going to school to better himself and your family........so for the family..........make the sacrifice!



  2. I've been laid off since February, and today, HOORAY! Two job offers within 15 minutes of one another! Now I am pretty sure which one I am going to take but was curious what yall would do:


    1 job is very close to home within 10 miles and the other job is 285/Powers Ferry and a $5/hr difference in pay between the two. Benefits basically the same.



  3. Being that your the only income your family has, you said your wife doesn't work, there is no way I would give up the job you have now. You have guaranteed income. You gotta eat and pay bills, if you don't sell a car, NO INCOME. I wouldn't give up guaranteed income for a maybe.

  4. I live with my brother too, and he drives me crazy with his drinking too! I do all the cleaning and all the laundry even though he is the one messing it up!


    I guess we could let them live here, and you and I could live together and get some peace and have a clean house!


    Nevertheless, I can relate and I sympathize!

  5. I went on an interview with them about 6 weeks ago, said they rec'd my resume off Careerbuilder, I get there, fill out a form and was taken upstairs where a lady told me how lucrative the job was but would never tell me what the job was. Said she wanted me to come back the next day for a seminar. I told her off, that I was not into interviewing for jobs where my questions were evaded and also told her that I did not appreciate her wasting my time or gas. I have no history in sales, my resume is listed as a Full Charge Bookkeeper. I don't want to sale life insurance or anything of the sort.

  6. I am one proud Mom! My daughter who never made Honor Roll in her life, just made the Dean's List at Georgia Highlands! She works two jobs and made the Dean's List! AWESOME JOB BABYGIRL!

  7. I finance those cars .. NONE of them are any good .. I ONLY recommend cars from Hardy Resale .. off of Buisness 6 .. I just explaind to Tinkerbell to stay away from Buy here Pay here .. 19-26% Interest for cars that the transmission or engine is bad .. or they are form Hurrican Katrina .. DONT DO IT ..


    If you want info on a particular dealership pm me and I will assist you the best way I can ..



    I agree, 2 1/2 years ago I bought cars for both my teenagers. I bought my daughter's from Hardy Resale, a great 01 Nissan Xterra and not one problem, its been a great car for her, except for the gas! We got financed thru Membersfirst Credit Union in Hiram, and they included her name even though she was under 18 at the time on the loan to rebuild her credit. It wasn't the best interest rate due to credit problems of mine, but it was decent and affordable.

  8. I'm right there with you! I've was laid off then end of February and still nothing!


    I do have two interviews lined up, one Thursday and another Monday, so yall say prayers and keep your fingers crossed!

  9. Ouch...... why did you claim her if she is 18 and working?


    Dang I hate that for her...



    I claimed her because she didnt turn 18 until the end of August, she lives with me, I feed her and I keep a roof over her head. I don't plan on claiming her next year. I was responsible for over 50% of her upkeep!


    I would give her part of mine, however, I won't be getting the stimulus check because I owed some back taxes that my CPA screwed up on, I have been making payments, but I'm sure they will take it for the balance.


    It's fine they are taking mine, I planned on paying off the taxes with it anyway. I just hate it that she's mad but I guess she will get over it.

  10. I claimed my 18 YO daughter on my taxes, and she found out today that even though she worked and filed a tax return since I claimed her, she is not eligible for the rebate.


    I did not claim my 21 YO son and he got his rebate today. She is sooooo mad!

  11. psst....The National Average is 5% unemployed, the highest in 4 years, Georgia is at 5.3% according to WSB News last night. It may have been higher when Clinton was in office, but its high NOW too!

  12. The way things are now its hard for people that don't have any convictions to make a living much less someone that is a convicted felon.


    As far as the credit checks and possibly showing lack of brain power, that's complete bs in my opinion. There are extinuating circumstances sometimes that nobody gives the applicant a chance to even explain. Like me for example, my husband and I had everything listed jointly, and that was fine while he was alive and making the money to handle the bills, when he died suddenly, there was not enough money to handle everything and things got behind until I sold the house to pay things off. So my credit rating took a big hit, but I don't get the chance to explain that to a potential employer, and sometimes feel its really none of their business. If I have the work experience, good references, the education to back up the job I'm applying for, I don't feel like my credit rating has any bearing on whether I can do the job or not. I do understand however, if for example, you worked in a bank and handled money all day, on the other hand a poor credit rating does not make you dishonest either!


    With the unemployment rate as high as it is right now, I think potential employers doing credit checks are going to see more and more peoples credit rating not be so great either.

  13. IMHO, you are wasting what precious time you have while they are young worrying about them growing up when they are only 4 & 7. They grow up fast enough, trust me, my youngest just finished her first year of college. You are wasting tears and worrying for nothing. Get a grip and enjoy your kids. You will have plenty of time for tears and worry when their teenagers, and more when they go off to college.

  14. I was laid off in February due to the construction industry. Your also kidding yourself if you think we all get food stamps, if you make the max on unemployment which I do, with 3 in the family, Im considered to make too much money. They don't take into consideration that you have car notes or car insurance.

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