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Posts posted by lulu

  1. I'm in Johnstons Ridge on Old Cartersville. The dogs are still running with their heads all cocked funny.



    ME TOO!!! we must be neighbors.


    I thought it was another earthquake too.. it woke me up and my dog went crazy..


    I just heard it once though.. must have slept through the 1st one then I woke up.

  2. my sisters texts in school between classes and at lunch! She plays softball and basketball for the school and is always having to stay after! So she jsut takes it with her! Jsut lke Yesterday she was sick and texted me to come get her! (my mom works) I dont see a problem with it as long as her work is done. Shes a good kid makes all As and have never been in trouble! :)


    I did it when i was in high school too! Everyone that has a phone does it! :)




    HAHA!!! We didn't HAVE cell phones when I was in school!! Damn I feel old.

  3. yeah mine does too. Not too much though. And she has a cell for some of the same reasons as stated above.


    I wish someone would come up w/ a phone for teens that the parents had a "controller" for where you can turn it off during certain times of the day, listen in on phone calls maybe, or just see when they use it..



  4. Go to the local gun shop and get them to give you large boxes that have the brand names of guns on them. Make sure they see you bringing in your new collection. Then start setting of fireworks in a metal bucket while running around the yard topless yelling "the robots stole the guns and der gonna get us all" :D



    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. Stop talking to them and don't wave if you see them out thats what I did and it worked for me. They don't ask me questions anymore .



    That's what we pretty much do.


    BUT they have their kids come over and ask questions and stuff...

    so I started making up lies... heehee.. it's fun to mess with them.

  6. I'm always hearing or reading that you should try to take 10,000 steps a day for health.


    So I found a pedometer in a drawer last night and have been wearing it all day just to see~ 1534 steps so far!!!

    I'm nowhere close to 10,000 which explains a lot I guess. BUT I sit at a desk all day!! I guess I'm going to try to walk around more during the day and see if I can up my steps!


    I didn't think it would be much but wow !!

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