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kacey turan

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Posts posted by kacey turan

  1. Oh that's good then.I didn't realize they would be able to tell you so soon.



    I don't know that it is that way with every Spine Needle Aspiration though... They may have had some sympathy for us with a small child and our condition, not sure. My husband and I were REALLY nervous about the whole thing and they could tell. I think they wanted to ease our worrys some by telling us it wasn't cancer. Good luck

  2. Baby Taz, I can't say I know how you feel because I have never been in that situation, but I can tell you that I have been and will continue to pray for you. You have to be strong for him, he would have wanted that. He would want you happy today of all days, make it special like someone said above. He is in heaven with Jesus and all the other little babies playing and having fun. You will get through this...talk all you want we are here for you.

  3. The Dr. who did his told us right then and there that everything was fine. His lymph nodes were swollen and they were checking to see if it was cancerous or not (i know there is a word for that, melignant, but i cant spell it). He told me everything was fine but the Dr would have to give me more details.

  4. It was yummy, I thought the prices were a little steep but it was excellent food and EVERYONE in the place was so friendly. Let me tell you...not one person that went by our table didn't say "hey", "how's the food", "what else do you need". Definetly will be going back. Yum Yum Yum!!!

  5. well carnival doesnt have the highest cleanliness requirements, we sailed on one of there boats for our honeymoon and between the nasty dishes and the staff my hubby and i will never sail carnival again. We went in to the buffet line in the restuarant by the pool well the inside one and we picked up our plates and they still had ketchup on it from previous use, well it wasnt just our plates, there were a total of 10 dishes dirty and my hubby took the dishes to the staff and he said ok ill take them, well he took them alright, over to the other side of the buffet and put them in with the clean dishes.......and the meat was still mooing and cold, and when we called the customer complaint line they wanted to give us 100$ off our next cruise.......yea right, they ruined our honeymoon, the food was so bad we ended up eating blts every night for dinner and fruit for breakfast........



    We always sail with Royal Caribbean and have never had one complaint with them but my mom and dad went with Carnival once and said they would never go with them again for the reason's mentioned above!!

  6. What time and channel for the mickey show? My daughter keeps talking about it. Sorry for the hijack LR. I love football. Is EP and HIRAM both playing Fri? I wish them both the best. My dad works for HHS so I know he's excited for them.



    Sorry, It's not on Cable...It's a new release that just came out, that one and "Bahaumduck" or however it is spelled??? Both are really cute.

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