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kacey turan

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Posts posted by kacey turan

  1. She's a cutie!! Looks like she enjoyed the cake! :D Will they put her on television if I upload it onto their website?



    yes, I did it Wednesday and she was on the news at 6:45 Thursday morning. I recorded it for her to see when she is older.

  2. Portrait Innovations. They are normally excellent, but I think they over book themselves for the holidays. -_-

    Time does fly. :( She'll be one next Thursday.




    I know what you mean, my youngest girl was one yesterday. Her picture was on 11alive yesterday morning and it is on their website now. Go ahead and take a looky:





    She's the first little girl when you scroll down. 1sttimemom you should upload a photo on their website for her birthday

  3. I just call the number myself and your right, that Santa sounds sooo creepy!! You would think they could find someone who has a bit of a sweet, Santier (made that word up) voice!!



    But I'll be letting my kids call it later tonight, hope it don't scare them :lol:

  4. Yeah, I heard this yesterday morning coming into work, so who is the stupid parent willing to give her baby up? For how long? Hoss also said he would be taking the child to Wild Bill's on Saturday night, WTH are these idiots thinking?? It's a stupid idea and the parents are complete morons for letting their child go with a stranger!! Those people don't need children! Was there ever any DAD's calling up? I know yesterday it was ALL women!!! All for a PS3 :rolleyes:

  5. My son does that too. It all starts by him getting hurt, he will start crying, hold his breath pass out, fall to the ground, arch his back, hands and his feet, his eyes will roll in the back of his head, his face and lips will turn pale. When it is over he will be really sleepy and say his head hurts. It freaked me out so I took him to our Pediatric ENT and they did several test on him EEG, MRI and a CT Scan and everything came back fine, they said it was called "Pallid Breath holding syndrome" which is the same thing mentioned above. Pretty darn scary when it happens but they said he will grow out of it as he gets older, just to watch him when it happens to make sure he doesn't hurt himself when he does pass out. Oh and screaming at him when he goes into "pass out mode" and splashing water on him does NOTHING it still happens. One time my two boys were playing "Power Rangers" and my youngest got kicked in the stomach, well he went into one of his spells and passed out and my older one thought he killed his little brother, he was petrified and started crying. He's not so rough with his little brother now. He goes around telling people that "one time he killed his brother". Its crazy but they will grow out of it, don't panic...it will pass. Here is a link you can look at:




    copy and paste if it won't pull up

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