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kacey turan

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Posts posted by kacey turan

  1. No..I went to the doctor....everything is fine....they still want to induce at 38 weeks! :wub: :wub: :wub: That means I only have to be misrable with lower back pain and sore feet (and about a thousand other preggo side effects) for 4 more weeks :) It should fly by once I go back to work next week!


    Now I'm going to nap....I ate a grilled turkey and swiss sammich and now I'm full and sleepy -_-



    At least your feet aren't swollen and you can wear shoes, or put on bedrest. I know it probably sounds better than working thought right?

  2. I had an outside wedding but if i could do it over again i would do it inside! We got married in gatlinburg at the smokey mountain national park (I think was the name) down by the river and in some of my pictures there is a guy in the background wadding around the water in his thong :o My aunt went and found him and asked him if he would leave for a while or at least hide. He did but I still have the pictures :lol:

  3. I think you are in the right for saying no! No no no no no no no no my kids boy/girlfriends will NEVER spend the night. I was raised that way and I plan on raising my children that way too. Like someone said above- it's your house your rules! JUST SAY NO, ha

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