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kacey turan

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Posts posted by kacey turan

  1. Just to add my 2 cents in, I think Christina will say yes to Burke and not to sure that Callie will say yes to George. Chief will not step down and yes Karev still likes Addison! Oh and chief's wife is a hefer!

  2. yesterday I was feeling horrible: body aches, swollen glands, sore throat but my fever never got over 99.6 I feel better this morning with just a sore throat I think it's just a cold or something.??

  3. my 5 year old told me the other day he wanted to go move back in with his "other" family b/c I wouldn't let him be the boss. I asked him who the other family was and he told me he couldn't remember their names but I stole him from them when he was little. :blink: :wacko: :lol:

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