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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. This is probably not what you are after, but for people that need a low carb alternative:



    • 1 cup almond meal
    • 2 eggs
    • 1/4 cup water (for puffier pancakes, you can use sparkling water)
    • 2 T oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 T sweetener (splenda)

    Preparation: Mix ingredients together and cook as you would other pancakes. I like to use a nonstick pan with a little pam. The only real difference is that they won't "bubble" on top the same way as regular pancakes. Flip them when the underside is brown.




    Yield: Six 4-inch pancakes


    Nutritional Information: Each pancake has 1 gram effective carbohydrate, plus 2 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, and 155 calories.

  2. To say it's because of the economy is also BULL! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE FOR DRINKING AND DRIVING! none!PLease read my post again! I am not making a correlation to what day of the week they choose to drink. What I am saying is ,don't be a hypocrite and tell me you go to a bar to drink on Sundays, because you can't buy it in stores!


    ??? Not sure why that would make him a hypocrite, but I will tell you I have personally gone to a restaurant on a Sunday when I realized we did not have a bottle of wine and I wanted a glass with dinner. :pardon: (Would have been much cheaper to just have to stop at the grocery store and pick one up, but that's okay, helped out a local business)


    Disclaimer: Before anyone starts jumping up and done and screaming I do not not drink and drive.

  3. Who ARE these people? GEEEZ, apparently our law makers need to grow a set and stop acting like kitty cats and by kitty cats, I mean..........................


    Good question. I went to the Georgia Coalition website and all I found in the about us section was a bio on Jerry Luguire. Nothing regarding their stance on liquor, Sunday alcohol sales.


    I just do not understand the Sunday banning. Many observe their religion on other days. If you buy liquor on Saturday you are a good christian but on Sunday you are not? I truly just do not get it. :pardon:

  4. For some reason, I am not a huge crock pot fan--unless it is a roast.


    I probably need to just skip dinner all together, since it is usually around 8:00 or after before I am able to sit down and eat!!!


    Skipping a meal is the worst you can do if you are trying to watch your weight. Even a bowl of soup will be better than nothing. (yummy too!)


    Do you like eggs? I make up a quiche and cut it into pieces to eat during the week, whether for a quick breakfast or lunch. Just pop a piece in the toaster oven or microwave if in a real hurry and I have a good healthy meal. (I do not do a crust so it is very low carb)

  5. Just got a text from Victoria - Hiram won and the band is on the bus back ... guess she doesn't remember the score or didn't pay attention :)


    eta: she thinks the score was 16 to 7. She couldn't see the scoreboard that well from where the band was sitting....


    I was told Hiram had 39 VR 14 .....


    So does that mean that South is eliminated from the state playoffs because of the loss tonight? Actually, they never got in the playoffs...correct?



  6. Kokopellis (SP) has sex toys and people go in there. I know I have, I don't care who saw me. I'm an adult, if I choose to frequent sex shops that my business. We all have sex. Ya'll know I do...I just had a baby :lol: ;)


    Is that around here?


    Is the OP serious?? I just can't imagine one here. Someone over there go look. :)

  7. Didn't call her a name did I? I just can't think of a thing that I would ever need or use her advice for. I'll accept defeat, but I am not accepting her as my representative. I'll continue to do without.

    :wacko: Now what if Will had won and people had stated that? You would be jumping all over them. :closedeyes:


    He's not my president. Why should I care?


    Do you live outside the country? Believe me, really, I do not like our current sitting pres., but he is what I have until the next election. Do I like it, no, but I have to live with it.



    Your statement of people blindly hitting R is demeaning. Many people made informed choices, knew what she had and had not done, and still decided she was the best candidate at this time. Others, as Fox stated, choose to push R after listen to the D supporters and their lack of civility towards all.


    Feelip I really had you on a higher pedestal. I knew you would be unhappy, but such sour grapes?

  8. You're needed in the political forum to defend the president.


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    What defense could I even come up with? The man has had time...look what he has done.



    Paulette has won. She knows she will have to prove herself. She either steps up to the plate and shows the naysayers wrong or we vote her out in two years. The problem I have with the mud slinging against her, and this includes all the local politicians, is that their families and friends are here. It is not fair to continue this ugliness. Now if Obama moves in to Paulding (:blink:) I would have to defend him too. (again... :blink:) Just common decency to those that live among us. :pardon:

  9. And it probably will until she proves herself as a solid, viable candiate for the seat she has taken in the House of Representatives.


    I just anxiously await to see how long it takes for the old Republican guard from Paulding County to rear it's/their ugly head(s).


    I just don't get spewing more ugliness.(She is not nice, her communications skills, etc.) It is not doing anyone any good. She won let's see what she does. If she does not do as we want then we vote her out in two years. I would have no problem with that.

  10. ^^^ Sore loser insults his entire customer base... smart move.



    I caught that, too. I was just going to let it slide. I wonder what the response would have been if the other side won?? Would the people of Paulding County suddenly become smart??


    I think we have some great and very intelligent people that live in Paulding County, they are some of the best and brightest people I have ever known.


    It includes many, many of them that post on this site. :wub:


    I was very bothered by that this morning. Not that it was his opinion, we all have those and we all do not agree or have to agree on issues/parties/politicians, but to insult all of District 19 because his candidate did not win is ridiculous. It is insulting to those that made an informed choice and really for all of us that come to p.com. I know that these elections bring out the worst in people, but I truly think that this has stepped over the line as a businessmen. JMHO

  11. I will again say, the more they tried to smear Paulette, the more they helped her. ;)


    I will hold her to the fire and expect nothing but the best for the citizens of Paulding County. She needs to understand why she won this seat. ;)


    I agree with both statements. I think the vicious smear campaigns do not help the competition, but actually hinder them. I do not think Will could have won, but his showing might have been higher if people were not so put off by some of what was put out. I hope they think about that next time.

  12. I have been wrong twice, but never about an election. 8)


    Oops you spoke too soon.


    Nah. I'll just sit back and read the rest of you post about how intelligent I am. :rofl:


    Um, sure?


    Just kidding, but I do hope you support Ms. Braddock now as our representative.


    Not living in the 19th, could someone tell me if there was a mailer sent out with her beautiful mugshots plastered all over the front? If not, why not? While I've never believed that this county is full of the most reasonable voters in the nation, I fully believe that 2 separate mugshots of a candidate has a way of swaying all but the voters who are partisans to a fault. The voters of the 19th should absolutely be embarrassed and, unfortunately, I'm sure many of them would be embarrassed if they actually knew who they just elected.





    Yes there was a mailer, but I know from all I have spoke with most was put into perspective. She has won so I am not going back to reiterate all of it. I know many that also voted for a D so it wasn't partisan to a fault, it was who they believed would be the better candidate out of the two.

  13. Does anybody think that Paulding County will be done voting by tomorrow morning? What a disgrace going from 28 to 14 precincts. People are actually leaving the line and not voting. PC board of elections should be ashamed of themselves.


    It is so bad that they did that. Why did they only have 10 machines at the locations? Do we own the others that were at the 14 shut down? If so, why not utilize them?

  14. How many machines are at each location? I can't imagine everyone has to read through all the referendums word for word and all are experiencing long wait times, so it seems like a lack of machines to get people in and out could be the problem. Does anyone know how the number of machines at a polling location is decided?


    Anyone? Hellloooo out there....I know you see me..... :p

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