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Everything posted by CAFroggy9194

  1. I have had my gallbladder out...do u think it could be from endometrosis? Does anyone know a good gestro doc and a urologist and kdiney doctor? Its comstant pains and then it gets sharp at times.
  2. I have been having stomach pain on the left upper part. I have had a fever off and on. I also had hard stool and then my stool turn to loose and it was like tar and then watery. My pain was so bad a couple of days I went to the er two or three times. At first before the diarrhea they thought it might be my shunt because I have spina bifida and hydrocephulus and I have a shunt and so they did some blood work and a ct scan and everything came back fine. Well I went back when I had the diarrhea and they did a ct scan with contrast and the stuff u drink and still nothing showed up. They also did b
  3. There was a break in during the day in Mt Vernon Subdivison off of Hwy 92 and Mt Vernon Church Rd. It was off of Williamsburg and Colonial Way in a man and woman house. They took all the woman and man's jewelry and a bunch of other stuff. It was during the day and we think we know who it was...some kids that walk around the neighborhood all the time for no reason. If you live around this area and have had someone break in please respond to this topic. Christina
  4. I still want to do a poker tournament for Tamela and don't know enough information will someone please contact me because all the donations will go to the William's family. My email address is cafroggy9194@aol.com. Christina
  5. I want to do a poker tournament and donate all the money to the family of Tamela Williams. Will someone please contact me at my email address cafroggy9194@aol.com and tell me who I need to talk to. I am going to call Hiram High School. All information about the family would be appreciated. Christina
  6. I am sorry to hear about your baby.I will be praying for you and your family. I will also pray for no pain for your baby. Christina
  7. People never know the effects they can have on someone and they don't know that one day they can be in someone else's shoes!!
  8. how do u change where I put pain on right side on the title when I meant to put pain on left side? I been going to Kennestone.
  9. I am a 24 year old female and I have been having chest pain on my left side of my chest it is intense pain. It is so bad sometimes that I have to go to the ER but when I have been they say nothing is wrong...they look for blood clots in my lungs because I have had them a couple of weeks ago but they are not there now and they do blood work and give me pain meds and send me home. They really don't believe me now because I have been so much so I don't know what to do but I know something is going on. I have also been having right arm pain from my elbow to my shoulder a lot of the time it doesn't
  10. Seth Grove Hagin , 60, a member of First United Methodist church in Dallas, died from a heart attack at his house in Dallas, GA. He lived with his family in Dallas. Born in San Antonio in 1949 and lived in Tennessee and Georgia for a number of years. His father died in 1990 from a heart attack. Survivors include: his mom Billie Rae Hagin, Her daughter Marsha Hagin Arce; Marsha's husband Steven Antonio Arce; and her daughter Christina Ann Arce.
  11. http://www.icrimewatch.net/offenderdetails...;AgencyID=54559 If that doesn't work go into the paulding county sheriff office sex offenders registry and look for his name by clicking non-mappable offenders after you put in your zip code and the results come up it will be at the bottom
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