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Posts posted by MamaJess

  1. Oh my!!!! I have to applaud you on your pictures. Your set up looks so inviting and intriguing. Almost reminiscent of hunting through my Great Grams attic....which was always fun and yielded so many treasures.


    I wish you much success and look forward to stopping in :)

    • Like 1
  2. Yes, we do photograph pets(as long as they are friendly)


    :rofl: Rabid dogs need not apply



    I'm curious about the Santa pics!


    Speaking of pets....what about a cat? He's really friendly. In fact I got him from someone on here. He seems to not realize he is a cat and thinks he's a dog....plays fetch and all. Most bizarre thing I've ever seen. He's so treasured. :wub:

  3. I know its hard to not get upset when your baby doesn't get off the bus but the good news is that they are still on it and not lost. People need to cut everyone at school some slack. Accidents do happen and there isn't anyone that wakes up in the morning and says

    "think I'll lose someones kid today"


    and to parents...you might not think much about it when you change your kids mode of transportation every so often but those changes can be confusing to the teachers and bus drivers. It may seem trivial but they get used to a routine just like the kids. If you make changes often you are bound to end up with a misplaced kid. Trust me, I know first hand :lol:


    And my final tidbit is communicate with your kids. Be sure they know how they are getting home from school and be sure they know what bus and where they live.


    Oh and if it makes anyone feel better, the little ones aren't let off the bus unless there is an adult/parent visible. At least thats what our driver does. She also delays leaving to be sure the kids go in the house.


    Have I mentioned how amazing she is and how safe I feel my kids are when they are on her bus? :wub:

    • Like 4
  4. Happens all the time. Kids sometimes fall asleep and wake up after u pass their stop or just dont pay attention.



    My wee one falls asleep all the time during the bus route. Has been since Kindergarten. We are so lucky that the driver realizes this happens and wakes him up when she gets to our stop. It also helps that the younger ones sit in the front of the bus.


    We :wub: our bus driver

  5. First off.......I hope the parent is hung out to dry.


    SECONDLY.............what kind of adult knows this is going on and waits hours to report it???????????



    Thats what I was wondering


    res 2 arrived and reported no emergency at this location....



    Good news!


    FIRST OF ALL WHO SAID THE CHILD WAS WITH THE PARENTS could have been a babysitter or family member! AND SECONDLY the person could have been leaving and came back from lunch or something???? Dont jump the gun unless you have the FACTS to back it up..



    I don't dare leave my kids unattended in the car for one minute. I thought that was kind of against the law. :wacko:

    • Like 2
  6. Probation is useless. All it does is prolong going to jail.


    Why give probation to someone who evidently can't follow rules and get charged with something...and convicted...then put them on probation....and now they have to follow 50 bazillion rules. Pfft. if they didn't follow the 1st rules....why do you think they will follow the new ones while on probation?



    I have to agree with you on this

  7. I have to admit, I'm curious also. Our attic is around 1,300 sq ft.


    What is the thing with the light bulbs?


    We have some fluorescent ones in the kitchen and some traditional tiny ones for the chandelier. I think the rest are some bulbs I got at the store where it said they lasted for 5 or 10 years?

  8. Our home has lost so much value over the last three years, I feel like a yard sale ought to be literal to sell the yard.


    It is beyond depressing.


    Our home's assessed value has declined more than $56,000 in three years.


    All of my equity is GONE.


    All of it.


    For the first time ever since this declining market, I find myself upside-down in my loan.



    There is a HUGE part of me that sees walking away as a viable option.


    I LOVE my home. I DETEST what's happening to its value.


    I'm unhappy about this, AND I VOTE.



    Yeah we feel your pain!!!

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