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Posts posted by DALLASGIRL0618

  1. Well, I will say we are very thankful for that too. Nine months already goodness where does the time go. That just shows you life is to short we must be thankful for everyday God gives us and use them wisely. Over here they are going by fast. Hey, I think they need to give the other survivers ( you & the kids) a chip too .... .a solid gold one.


    God Bless to all




    L & D


    Thanks L and D. I hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving. We never thought we would see this day, did we? I am also so thankful you guys never gave up on him. It has meant so much, to him and us, that you guys have been there and been so supportive. We love you!!!

  2. I just want to say, my family has a great reason to be thankful on this Thanksgiving Day. Today, 11/22/07, Jason has reached 9 months clean from meth. That, itself, is a great miracle and something to truly be thankful for. He will be picking up his 9 month chip tonight at the S.T.A.M.P. meeting. I am out of town and will not be there with him, but he is very excited, and knows how proud his kids and I that he has acheived this.


    So, what are you thankful for?

  3. My aunt had 4 boys. One of her son's died of a long sickness, and died in her arms, a week before he turned 30. It took her forever to recover a little from that loss, and then her youngest committed suicide at the age of 24. I was so angry at him, because he watched her when she lost his brother, and then he purposely chose to put her through that again. That was 9 yrs ago this week.


    Back in 1996, the day before Thanksgiving, my dad died suddenly. The following year, almost to the day, my grandmother passed in her sleep with no warning (this was my Aunt's mother). The following year, my cousin committed suicide the week of Thanksgiving. More tragedies followed our family for 8 yrs straight. Every Thanksgiving was shared with the funeral of a family member. It has now been 3 years with no deaths, but we sure do feel the emptiness of the ones who did pass, and this time of year is extremely hard on my family.


    I almost did not come to be with my family this year because of financial reasons, but I changed my mind. I think my family needed me to be here, and you never know when it will be last one with some family members.


    I am enjoying myself here in Myrtle Beach with my mother, brother, and sister and our families. Tomorrow we will load up and go to Durham N.C. and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with my dad's sister, and some other Aunt's, Uncles, cousines, and there families. We will go from house to house visiting everyone for a little while, and head back to Georgia on Saturday morning.


    I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving day.

  4. Yep, I'm glad I'm going for that reason, too. There's no way he can accuse me if I am 200 miles away!!!


    My MetroPOS phone won't work up there anyway, so that's what I am going to have to do. And I am not giving anyone my friend's number. I will use her phone to check voice mail and to check on the kids once a night for the two nights I'm gone.


    I'm going to be here Thursday til like 4:00 or so, so I will see the kids at some point.


    My mother keeps telling me that my friends are going to get sick of me and that I am going to wear out my welcome. I'm like, I'm not inviting myself...they are inviting me, and when they don't invite me, I won't go!!! Hello... :rolleyes:

    Nope. Your mother just wants to have control over you, and as long as you have a support system away from her, and have some voices of reason, she can't have that control. Having friends that AREN'T family, is a VERY good thing during times like this. You can vent, and talk, and receive ADVISE (you take what you want and leave the rest) from people who have nothing to gain or lose.


    I hope you have a great, relaxing time this weekend. I know you need it, and probably look forward to getting the HE!! out of dodge.

  5. Good morning Goldngrl. She's up to it again huh? Sorry. I know she is driving you nuts.


    You know I am here if you need anything. It's probably a good thing you are going out of town with your friend since your neighbor is going to be in town during the holiday. You know the accusations would certainly be flying then.


    I think if your mom gets your friend's last name, and contacts her, your friend is perfectly willing and able to put her in her place. I don't think she's scared of her one bit.


    My suggestion is, while you are out of town, let the voice mail answer all phone calls. Listen to the messages, and only call back if it is pertaining to the kids. If not, just don't speak to anyone that is trying to bring you down or cause you problems. It is going to be hard enough having Thanksgiving without your children. Try and make the best of it. Enjoy some adult time, and adult conversation with people who love and support you.


    You know you are not doing anything wrong. The other parties involved also know the truth. You have some great kids, and you are handling the situation the best you can for them. Keep it up.


    We love you.

  6. I heard this. I was laughing a little because I was imagining the call.


    "Send the police. Eddie, Austin, and Amber are outside throwing rocks at my brother and his friends."


    Maybe it's not funny, but now is the time to ask "Where are the parents?" Why did this little girl feel like she should call the police instead of finding an adult to help, or just make her brother come inside for a little while?

  7. I heard about this on the news this morning, and it made me ill to even think about.


    However, I take issue with people commenting that the parents should have been right there. I know when I was 8-11 years old, and when my own kids were that same age, I had the freedom to explore and so did they. If there were woods nearby to explore, my brother and I would be exploring them, and ditto with my kids. I'm not saying the parents are completely off-the-hook, but lack of supervision seems to be a bad call.


    I thought perhaps one of the kids--one of the boys or perhaps even the girl--had some experience to make him/her a bit precocious and led the others into whatever happened, because it's hard to believe a whole group of kids that young have that much knowledge about such things.

    And also, kids have seen some things on tv, and I am sure they are curious about things. When my oldest was about 5, he and his female cousin were in his room, playing in a tent. She was a year older than he was, and it got quiet, and I walked back to check on them. As I walked in the room, I saw the girls shirt laying on the floor, and they didn't know I was at the door. I heard this little girl ask my son if he would kiss her boobs, and heard him say "How about we don't play this anymore?" I was totally shocked, and told them to come out of the tent, made her put her shirt back on, and took them into the living room and talked with them. I then called my cousin (the little girls mom) and told her about it. I handled it very calm and did not get angry, or start accusing anyone of anything. Kid are kids, and they have curious minds. My son was uncomfortable with the situation and wanted it to stop. I was proud of him for saying so.


    So, at the age of 5 and 6, was I a bad parent because this happened? They were in my home, and I was there, knew where they were, and I was tending to a 1 yr old baby. Walking in on that was the LAST thing I thought I had to worry about with my son at that age. I am sure the parents of these 8 and 9 yo boys never thought of the possibility of this happening when they sent them outside to play.

  8. I may be SOOOO naive, but I didn't even know 9 year olds could "do" this.

    I am with you on this. That was my first thought when I heard this on the news this morning. I have an 8 yo boy, and I don't think he is even physically developed enough to perform such an act. I think there is something completely wrong with this story.


    And as far as the parents go, I know my 8 yo runs between my house and 3 other kids houses in our neighborhood. They ride their bikes back and forth. There is a parent home at every house he goes to, because I check before he is allowed to go over there, but once I know there is an adult home, he jumps on his bike and heads out. They are boys and they go run around the woods behind our homes and play all the time. They check in with us, but I am not out there in the woods with them, and neither are the other parents.


    No parent can tell me that they are with their child every where he/she goes at all minutes of the day. If you try and say that you don't let your child go outside and play with other kids, at the ages of 8 and 9, then I would not believe you. The fact that I allow my child to go outside and play in the neighborhood, does not make me a bad parent either. I have 3 kids. My youngest is an 8 yo boy, then my middle is an 11 yo girl, and my oldest is a 15 yo boy. They all have different sets of friends, and I can't be with all of them at the same time.

  9. Powder Springs Road toward the EW Conn. on the right before Flint Hill RD.

    Yep. I used that one yesterday. I haven't washed my car all summer, and it got to where I couldn't see out my window to drive. Using the wipers wasn't working any more, it was just smearing the dirt, so I went through the quick wash. I can see.


    Hey, it was that or continue being a hazard on the road. :p

  10. I am sorry. I didn't think I was going to be with my family this year either because I just couldn't afford to go. Well, all that changed yesterday, and I am going to end up going, but I am going because of bad news I was given yesterday from a family member, and I feel I need to be there.


    I used to absolutely LOVE the holidays, but now it seems to be just a depressing, stressful time of year, and it is very hard to get into the spirit of things.


    I am sorry you are not going to be able to see your family. Hang in there and best wishes.

  11. I take the vitamins, and I am out of spark. I lost all my weight, three times and never gained it back. I just forgot to order, and hubby isnt so happy! J/K I just really want my spark....lol was it the MNS?

    Yes. The MNS orange and I lost over 70 lbs in a year, and it was so easy. None of the others seemed to work the same, or I didn't feel right.


    I never really tried the spark. My kids drank the kids spark. What vitamins are you taking?

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