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Posts posted by lars77martin

  1. I thought I caught a glimse of you getting a beer at the game...good thing I had my camera with me. :lol:

    ....and you SAID you did't wear lederhosen!


    Actually, NO BEER at this game! :( But I was really impressed of the ehhhh, tail.... hmmm, forgot the name... the parties at the parking lot. I need a smoker! :wub:




    BTW, I didn't notice that someone took a picture of me, %*^%^#(*&&%!!!

  2. I spent the weekend at my dad's brother and his family in Ames, IA and they took me yesterday to the first football match of my life (IA State vs. Las Vegas). I'm still not sure if I understood the rules (the people around must have thought, I'm crazy, because I always asked "Which direction? Which direction?". :o But it really has been fun and I hope to see some more matches within the next two months. But I need someone who explains me, which direction "my team" goes... :lol:


    Lars B)

  3. *hijack*


    Why's a certain plant illegal then?



    I think that should be what this discussion is about!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why is something so beautiful,........Illegal? :(


    Did I mention that I live about 30 miles from the border to Holland? :rolleyes:



  4. If you are going to be in Dahlonega be sure to drive on up to Alpine Helen, GA. It is a small town, but it is supposed to resemble an Alpine village and is well worth a short day trip. It is delightfully tacky. I am going there in October for the annual Oktober fest (as I do every year). Happy travels! :)


    I plan to do this, but WITHOUT my girlfriend. She hates Disneylands! :D



  5. Oh, and 3: No!


    But let me explain: I think, you (aehh I) can have sex without loving that persons (I guess that's the way, prostitutes earn their money). I made this experience (hey, I was a student at a university with 60 % women) and In think it's OK, when both parts agree that it's just sex.


    Love without sex? Actually I don't know. I loved my grildfriend 3 years before we started dating. During this time, there was no sex. But I loved her. I think I would still love her when something happens to her, that we couldn't have sex, but I'm not sure if I wouldn't try to get the sex anywhere else. I had this discussen with her and she agreed (OK, the same, when something happened to me). One more reason to love her! :wub:


    Lars B)


    Whoooo, I'm afraid my English is really bad today.... sorry!

  6. Hi y'all :) ,


    I'm planning a round trip with my fiancee. I want to show her (and me) the deep south. I already got some suggestions from some of you about places and cities. Now I try to connect them to a round trip.


    I want to start with a romantic weekend (thank you for the great topic some days ago :wub: ). I think, we'll stay in the "Forrest Hills Mountain Resort" in Dahlonega (www.honeymoonsingeorgia.com). My plan is, to stay there from Friday to Sunday. I have to be back in Dallas the next Sunday, so we got 7 days to travel around.


    What I would like to see during this time is Savannah, the Okefenokee Swamp Area, Charleston and Columbus, but I'd appreciate also other suggestions.


    I'm curious about your tips and routes! :)



  7. I bought a wireless g router (D-Link WBR-1310) two weeks ago, which seems to be incompatible to my computer. Of course I lost the receipt, so that I can't exchange it. :wacko:


    I payed 50 $ for it, I would sell it to P.com-Members for 30 $ and take it back, if it doesn't work with your computer! :blush:


    Questions? lars77martin@web.de


    Lars B)

  8. I would love too. last I heard we were going to start a walking group on the silver comet trail.


    Havn't there been some people who wanted to start a running group on the SCT? I'm running twice a week (tuesday evening and saturday morning) about 5 miles (55 min - I'm slow). I always feel lonely! :(


    Lars (AKA Lorf)


    No, I'm not hijacking, I'm hitchhiking! :ninja:

  9. I just finished Judge and Jury by James Patterson. It was slow to get started but about a third of the way into the book it started flying. I finished it standing up while I was cooking supper. i just couldn't put it down.

    I have a few authors that I love. I have read everything by James Patterson, Nicholas Sparks, John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clark, Patricia Cornwell and Janet Evanovich. My brain is starving for some more reading material. I am in the need for something humorous. Can you recommend another author who writes along the style of Janet Evanovich? Maybe something with mystery, humor and romance all combined?


    I have no idea, who Janet Evanovich is, but I read a really funny book: "Notes from a Big Country" by Bill Bryson. He is an American, who spent his last 20 years in Britain, returned to the USA and explores the USA like a stranger. Reading this book will get you a funny and interesting insight in your country and culture and will show you the differences between the USA and Europe.


    Lars B)


    P.S. I would give you my book, but it's in German! ;)

  10. so where are the pictures !


    I am glad every one had a great time!


    Actually I'm afraid, no pictures have been taken :(


    BTW, I forgot to say thank you to auntsugar for initializing the meeting. Hope she'll be there next time!


    Lars B)

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