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Posts posted by lars77martin

  1. :blink:


    My english isn't that good that I could say what I want to say, but what I can say, is that 94 % of all death penalties are done bye the staates of China (democracy?), Iran (democracy?), Saudi-Arabia (democracy?)and the USA.


    The USA are the only "christian nation", where death penalty is practiced. Why?


    And is the rate of serious crimes in the U.S. lower than in Canada? Than in France? Than in Spain? Than in Austria? Than in Australia?


    Do you know what it costs to put someone in jail for lifetime and what it costs to doom this person to death? Google is your friend! (BTW, a POOR argument!!!)


    Only food for thought!




    Lars :unsure:


    BTW, where are the statements of the 8 % who would let him off with life without possibilty of parole?

  2. If anyone is interested G-Day is August 19th this year.


    If you don't know what that is: It's where you get to go to UGA (Sanford Stadium) this year, last year it was on the practice fields, from 3-5pm you can get pictures and autographs from all the football players and Mark Richt. They only give 200 tickets to meet Mark Richt, last year I got there right before the gates opened and got ticket #96. You can also get pictures with UGA VI but not likely. They start handing out UGA tickets at 9am and last year people camped out over night to get them!! Also Baseball,Softball,Cheerleaders & Gymnastics teams will be there. The band plays pretty much the whole time and there is games for the kids and plenty of concessions........TRUST ME!!! IT"S HOT, you will want plenty to drink......LOL All in all it's a pretty fun time and best of all it's FREE!!!!Last year there was only 500-600 people there for this.


    I'm definitly going, If anyone would like to get a group together to go let me know, we can just convoy over there!!


    BTW, has anyone here the endurance to explain a stupid, slow-minded German the rules of this game? It's football, isn't it?


    Lars (or how you say: Lors :p )


    BTW2: What is a yard? :wacko: :lol:

  3. My husband and I met Lars this afternoon at the weekly Reflections rehearsal. I think I know why people were honking at him during his walk yesterday. The people honking at him had to have been young women. Yes ladies, he is a VERY handsome young man!! Hey..., If I wasn't over 50 and married, I'd honk at him myself. :rolleyes:




    :o :blush: :D



  4. Nice weather outside , want to go jogging in an hour or two. Does anybody here know a good place? I'm close to the corthouse and looking for a 3-5 miles loop road.


    Lars B)

  5. You people here are crazy! An hour ago, I went out for a walk and in the 45 minutes I walked down the streets, 3 cars were honking at me. :unsure: Waht did I do? I contained it: I didn't forget to put on my pants! -_- Or were it maybe P.com-Users who wanted to say "hello"? :)



  6. hi larrs come on over to the beaver creek bbq place in hiram tonight about 5 30 or so . would love to meet you . warning i speak nothing but southern english.


    I really would like to join, but I


    a) don't have time before 8 p.m.

    B) don't have a car to come to Hiram.

    c) actually don't know where Hiram is.

    d) speak nothing than a little Oxford English and some German.



  7. Welcome!!


    Remember to just smile and wave when people wave at you!! If you don't they'll get mad! :o




    OK, I did! There was a "Hello Kitty" waving at me this morning in "Dallas Downtown" and I smiled and waved back!



  8. A great way to meet your PC neighbors is to stand on the corner and cuss at the cars driving by! :ninja:


    Well, I thought of wearing Lederhosen, yodeling and dancing a "Schuhpladdler" in front of the court house. :ninja:



  9. Welcome Lars, but um....what is that a picture of in your signature area?

    The one on the right um...um....doesn't um...um... seem appropriate for this forum um...um...


    :D :D :D I'm not sure what you think, but if you think what I think that you think, have a look here :p



  10. Good morning everybody!


    I did it! I spent my first night in PC! :) After a really great reception by Quasimodem, I only fell into my bed! Today I'll explore Dallas and the closer neighborhood, so, if you see a cute, completely unoriented guy: that's me! :ninja:


    Lars B)

  11. I haven't really spent much times in Germany. I should do this someday soon, but I am kind of afraid to stay there longer because I am not fluent enough in their language, and that Germany hasn't really gotten rid of several NAZI type organsisations.


    Well, I'm quite sure that there are less NAZIs in Germany than in other European countries (especially in Scandinavia, Holland and Italy). Right now, we have here a public discussion about "No go areas" for black people. It seems, that there are some villages and small towns in the eastern part, where you should not go. But I think, you have this places in the US, too. West Germany is save, right wing extremists usually get less than 1 % at elections.'s


    Germany is a very save country. It's like in other countries: you notice very quick, when you are in a dangerous area (I'm sure you do so in NYC). And don't be afraid about the language. Learn words as "Guten Tag", "Danke", "Bitte" and "Entschuldigung", use them and everybody will try to speak English (even my grandma :rolleyes: )


    Lars B)


    BTW, any "No go areas" in PC?

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