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Posts posted by MeWhoElse

  1. As far as the moderation in this topic, I did nothing. I did look at the logs and it would appear that a post or maybe two were split to another topic by another moderator. I haven't quite figured out what happened other than I figure that Me who else actually did not intend to say her posts were removed, rather it was cobbobigs tirade she was just responding to and the quotes got dropped.




    Nope it was removed, along with a followup post from Rays. My post was second so I was obviously responding to the OP.


    CeeJay, you missed a spot...

  2. Unless the OP is also a moderator here, I doubt she's the one who removed your comment. Why not just ask Pubby why it was removed?


    As for your original comment, it may be Hallowe'en, but it's also two days until election day. Petty political tricks and sleazy political 'commentary' take no holidays - since the 'other' site posted their tacky attack today, I daresay Ms. Avery felt it necessary to reply ASAP.



    Still not a valid reason for the removal.


    So she was censored "there" and I was censored "here". How incredibly funny!

  3. I was the second person to post in this thread and my comment was removed. My comment broke no pcom rules that I am aware of so I am posting it again as I still feel the same about this thread. There is no reason to censor my comment:


    For goodness sake, it is Halloween. Take your family trick or treating. Go carve a pumpkin or something... :huh:

    • Like 3
  4. Uh, no because had it not happened on the track and two drivers were going 175+ they both would have had thier asses in jail, if not the graveyard.



    :wacko: Reread what I said. I may not have used the term jail, but usually attempted murder puts one in jail...

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